yes, most of them to a french pro.Did you already sell the Par-A-Dice?
Nice sets.
Don't be hasty to sell, never is a long time. You might change your mind. You will not be able to replace these easily if at all.
This is very true, and good advice. I promise to return the ACF chips to you, if you have a future change of heart.
Sounds like you recently took it on the chin. If I may I would suggest maybe giving yourself a little waiting period and then see if you still want to sell unless getting money is critical? Like others have said I'm afraid you might come to regret selling these.
They have a tendency to whisper in your ear again in six months, and the reasons why you left seem money problems,
as I said, cards clearly told me : leave now.
Along similar lines of Mr Tree's thinking..... just ship me the ACF chips as a loaner for six months (with deposit, of course), and see how you feel with the empty space at home. If you don't miss them (and playing/hosting), then sell off everything else early next year. If you do find yourself longing for the chipping days of old, I'll return the ACF chips promptly and you'll be back in business. Win-Win !
Not quite sure, I think this was originally a custom set,What are those club Kanada (Kanzeda??) ones? never seen them before....
oops Kaneda (I just seen the closer up one now)
I like those.. May be dibs??? If the right price and your releasing them? just maybe...