For Sale Downsizing: Paulson, ASM, BCC (10,000+ chips available) (3 Viewers)

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any chance you'd have :
Monterey Club (Blue Chip Company)
$.25 chip BCC chip ?

Thank you
Quick update:

I believe that I have messaged everyone who has expressed interest. I've got over 60 conversations going on in PM right now, so that took a few hours! Now that I have a good idea of who wants what, I'll reach out to each of you to start making deals. If you're interested and I haven't PMed you, I must have missed something, so please shoot me a PM to let me know!

I'm going to work through this in the most sane manner that I can. This means that the individual racks and smaller sets will be the first ones I sell. Larger sets like the Grand Vics, Club Cleopatra, and stuff like the T molds and starbursts will take a bit longer, and they may eventually get their own threads. I'll PM the people who expressed interest to let them know if/when I open separate threads.

I'm going to miss these chips, but I hope that they'll get put to better use in their new homes!
My apologies for the lack of updates. I had several unexpected things happen this weekend, and with work being busy this week it has been a struggle to catch up. I think that I have PM'd everyone that was expecting a response on the PCA $5s, Pointe After, and Capone chips. My apologies if I missed anyone.

Chips that are paid for before Saturday will go out this Saturday.

GV chips are being handled in their own thread.

Next up will be an auction for a rack of PCA $5s. This will get its own thread to keep things sane.

I will work through the remaining chips for sale in the coming weeks. If anyone has a purchase in mind that is time sensitive, please let me know and I will see if I can work those chips to the top of the list.

Thanks for reading!
Interested in the Claim Stake $5s...

Pm incoming.
I have a lot of PMs to answer, and I will get to them this weekend. I promise that I'm not ignoring anybody, nor have I forgotten about anyone that I already messaged. I'm time constrained at the moment, and I want to make sure that I can ship chips as quickly as possible after reaching a sale. I updated the OP, but here's a summary:

-Pointe After and Capone chips are sold.
-Some PCA $5s are sold; I will post an auction for another rack soon.
-All other chips are still for sale, as I haven't had time to get to them yet, so it's not too late! I will continue working through the chips for sale this weekend.

Thank you for reading!
Any word on the Claim Stake $5s and the Aztar $25s?

Grand Victoria Mint
Hello PCF,

I'll probably wind up opening threads for each of the items below after I take some pics, but if you're looking for something from the list, shoot me a PM and/or post here with interest and/or an offer. I don't have exact quantities handy for most of the chips, but I have at least a rack of the following chips unless otherwise noted. Some of them will need to be dug out of storage, so this isn't for same day shipping, although I'll certainly hustle about it for the right price ;) Most of these I'm looking to sell as sets (or logical large chunks of sets), except of course for the chips that I only have a single denomination of. There's a story to go with each of these, but I won't bore you with the details.


Grand Victoria Mint Secondaries - $5 (800), $25 (900), $100 (600), $500 (200), $1000 (100) (plus 50 used $500 primaries and a rack of used $1000 primaries) - this is a large set that will probably require its own thread to handle
Club Cleopatra (Mint ASMs, original Trinidad & Tobago chips) - $1 (800+), $2.5 (300+), $5 (1900+), $25 (~700), $100 (600+), $500 (~40) - also a large set that may require its own thread
Pointe After - $1 (~440), $5 (300), $100 (44?) - SOLD
Capone Hotstamps
(BCC) - Rather small cash set; I'll get the numbers if there's interest - SOLD


Empress $5s - Mint Secondaries
PCA $5s - Mint Secondaries - 300 SOLD, stay tuned for more
- $0.25 (metallic gold) and $0.50 (blue) hotstamps - some are mint
Casino Aztar $25s - Mint TH&C secondaries (Caruthersville, Missouri)
Condado Beach $25s - the green/orange/blue 3D14 chips
Claim Stake $5s
Grand Victoria Roulette - mint (metallic gold and daisy) and used (blue, yellow and gold)
Dragonara CIC 1s
BCC T-mold blanks - Most (maybe all?) colors available, mint
Starburst - Not sure what I'm selling from these, but feel free to let me know your interests

Sample sets (not racks):

Horseshoe Cleveland
Grand Victoria
- Secondary only, I think

Thanks for reading!
I am interested in Grand Victoria - prices?
Seller's remorse?

Of course, but that has nothing to do with things in this case.

I sent a PM that went ignored on the 8th. Maybe he bit off more than he can chew.

I owe a lot of PM responses, unfortunately. I had several things come up right after I posted this thread, which has driven my time for PCF to next to nothing. All that I can offer at this time are apologies and an assurance that I will get back to the sale.
In addition to TH&C Starbursts, I’m also interested in ASM/HCE H-molds—preferably blank or with a monogram/initials. I’m pretty set on H-mold reds, but could use whites, black or grays, dark greens, or small quantities of less usual colors.

I never sent a pm. But just want to confirm my interest in the Claim Stake $5s

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