Dunes Clay Poker Chip Pre-Sale (6 Viewers)

Excellent review! I haven't checked my 25s yet, but I will report with any issues I find. Is that birdcage filled with Brybelly racks? I'm about to place an order but I'd like to confirm with someone if they do the job well enough.
I use the Chipco racks and they fit almost perfectly. One barrel was too tight but when I switch 10 chips with a different barrel they both fit fine. Some of them were a bit tight but much better than the loose brybelly racks (IMO).
I use the Chipco racks and they fit almost perfectly. One barrel was too tight but when I switch 10 chips with a different barrel they both fit fine. Some of them were a bit tight but much better than the loose brybelly racks (IMO).
what size chipco rack and who did you purchase from?
Thank you for the heads up!

No problem. When I ordered I emailed Palm Gaming and they hooked me up with like 35 racks.

I am going to give my full experience with the Chipco racks just for full disclosure. Brand new Paulson chips fit as close to perfect as you can get. Very heavily used Paulson's (worst of the worst) will fit 21 to a rack. Normal Paulson's should fit well. My Majestic CCs fit well. My Pharaoh CCs (the $5s only) had tightness issues and some barrels would not fit into the racks. These Dune's fit perfectly for all denoms but $5s (just like the Pharaoh's). Some of the barrels of $5s are tighter than I would like, but they aren't being damaged. The one barrel I had issues with not fitting fit fine once I switched out 10 from another barrel.
Any chance of a shipping update on the second round? I don't know how many orders are "Processing" but I know at least one is.

Gotta get that $20 in play
The issue with the smears on the edge spots is most certainly a manufacturing defect. This is something that just happens with all Chinese chips. It's definitely not a shipping issue.

I have seen it on Milanos, Majestics, Pharoahs, CPS chips and Progens.

Just something that happens.
The issue with the smears on the edge spots is most certainly a manufacturing defect. This is something that just happens with all Chinese chips. It's definitely not a shipping issue.

I have seen it on Milanos, Majestics, Pharoahs, CPS chips and Progens.

Just something that happens.

Happens on Paulsons as well.
BG what's the preferred cleaning method on these chips?
I've never had to clean china clays, short of initially wiping them down with a damp cloth (to remove loose manufacturing debris) prior to oiling them. Can't vouch for either Oxi-Clean or TSP, since I haven't tested to see if they will harm the CC formula (probably not, but who knows....). You'd be safe with any non-Oxi dish detergent.
No, that's not the same thing, nor is it even the same manufacturing process.

Ok. So something similar occurs sometimes with Paulsons, although it's not the same thing nor the same process. Visually it looks the same to me but in reality it is not. So although it may appear to be a quality issue it is just how they are made.
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I like the discussion here on the racks so far. Thank you @Pokerdweebz and @UndeadViking for your input. Another question regarding racks is, since I'm leaning toward Brybelly + birdcage from Amazon (price and shipping speed, really are my main things here) would there be any danger in the looseness of the chips when stacked in the cage? I'm not averse to using a soft shim or even a chip spacer if that's what it comes down to. I don't know if I can sink $50 on trays alone, plus shipping and then another whatever for the cage. The combo is about $55 with Prime as is, so ... I feel like if it's safe enough that's the way I want to go, but I can be persuaded if there are damage concerns.
would there be any danger in the looseness of the chips when stacked in the cage?
Yes. Loose chips in stacked racks are at risk for breakage.... especially brittle china clays that can easily be snapped in two (extra brittle when cold). Snugging up each barrel with a spacer or foam pad will significantly reduce this risk..
No, this is not accurate.

Jesus, it's like having a discussion with my wife. Just tell me what it looks like to me and how I should feel about it.

All I'm saying is the edge spots don't look perfect on chips sometimes. I don't care who made them or where or by what process or with what material or what color or anything.

Feel free to quote any of this partially or out of context to help make whatever point it is your trying to make.
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Just checking to see if any second batch shipping notices have been made?

The condition below (which occurs during the injection-mold process, used for all china clay chips) cannot and will not occur during the compression-mold process (used by Paulson), nor will any compression mold 'defect' ever look similar to it. This could be the result of any number of issues with the injection mold alignment causing the spot material to be applied twice in those areas, and is an avoidable manufacturing defect:

Assuming you were referring to the 'arrow-like' edge-spots on the $100 chips in the picture below, that is not a smear, nor is it a manufacturing defect. When compression (and heat) is used to press high-end clay chips (like Paulson or CPC), the material differences in the base and spot materials can cause the spots to expand more in one direction because the optimum pressing temperature for each material is different. Different colors become pliable or 'melt' at different temperatures, and less molten materials have a tendency to expand into the surrounding softer materials... sometimes completely, causing what is known as 'split spots' (second picture).



These conditions are near-unavoidable consequences of the complex compression molding process whenever using two materials (solids are not affected), and are not considered manufacturing defects. They are not the same as the china clay defects shown above, bear no resemblance to them, and it is not accurate to state that visually they look the same, or that it "happens on Paulsons as well." It doesn't, and in fact, it cannot. The china clay flaws are true manufacturing defects that, under ideal conditions, should not have left the factory in the first place.

Hope this clears it up for you and others unaware of the differences.

EDIT: Also sorry for reminding you of your wife. My apologies. :)
Can we move some of these discussions to another thread? I keep coming here looking any shipping news on my Dunes that haven't shipped yet and I end up getting derailed severely because of all the stuff here. This thread now has 20 pages, of which probably two of them are pertinent to ordering these chips and the progress of those orders.
The above came from discussions about the quality of the shipped chips, so its probably fair game, but even then I'd like to see a thread about reviews and uses and pros and cons separate from the presale thread.

Or start a new one for the presale and the status and notices of it and I'll switch to watching it, rename this one or something.

Or don't do any of this, its just a suggestion.
Received the chips today. Hasty pr0n to follow shortly. A few thoughts...
  • The CC odor...*sigh*...I keep hoping one day it won't be there with an order of China clays, but that may be a long wait for a train 'don't come.
  • These are the most uniformly-sized and -shaped CC's I've ever received, and it's not close. In order of uniformity, Dunes > Majestics >> CPS > Milanos
  • I only received 25-5k. That being said, the only ones that had a noticeable thickness difference were the 5k's, and it wasn't by much... .5mm at the most
  • The racks that fit my chips the best are acrylic Chipco-branded racks (the one's manufactured by PGI). The 5k's were pretty snug, but I didn't have to work too hard to place them in the barrels. All the other denoms fit just right
  • To my eyes, the yellow spots on the 5k's from the edges appears more white/pale than I'd prefer, but that may just be the lighting, my eyes, or a combination thereof.
  • Those 1k's are somethin' special!
Overall these were a great buy...I'm highly satisfied with them! And now, the not-too-fancy pics...






EDIT: Also sorry for reminding you of your wife. My apologies. :)

It's your avatar.

On a different note I got these today. What's frustrating is that these are not my Apache order, these are some that I bought off of the classified and still got before my presale order. At least I have some now to assess, and they are very very nice.

That $20 chip is one mighty sexy piece of work.

This is my first set of chips and I couldn't be happier with the purchase.

That said I am also interested in finding stackable racks. I got a 600 chip carrier that came with racks (no idea what brand) but the chips don't sit flush with the bottom.
It's too bad because they fit 20 chips per row, but ride high just a bit. Enough so that it doesnt seem safe to stack them long term.

A few have mentioned chipco, but which one? Do they stack well? There were also some mixed comments about brybelly.


AFAIK the normal Chipco racks are "standard". I got mine from Palm Gaming, but I know Apache and other vendors have them as well.

This is my first set of chips and I couldn't be happier with the purchase.

That said I am also interested in finding stackable racks. I got a 600 chip carrier that came with racks (no idea what brand) but the chips don't sit flush with the bottom.
It's too bad because they fit 20 chips per row, but ride high just a bit. Enough so that it doesnt seem safe to stack them long term.

A few have mentioned chipco, but which one? Do they stack well? There were also some mixed comments about brybelly.

Best way to contact Palm Gaming is by email. Apache also has them. This is what they look like: https://www.apachepokerchips.com/product/chipco-poker-chip-rack/
the chips don't sit flush with the bottom. It's too bad because they fit 20 chips per row, but ride high just a bit. Enough so that it doesnt seem safe to stack them long term.
Nearly all chip racks (including Chipco trays) are designed to fit 39mm diameter chips. Because china clays (including the Dunes chips) are made in 40mm diameter, they will not be a perfect fit in the bottom of the barrel. This will not significantly affect stacking or safety.

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