Emerald Bay Club - Matsui cash set GROUP BUY -- ORDER THREAD, CLOSED (1 Viewer)

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Not many people ordered these, but they are pretty cool (photos are getting tough with the natural light gone)

If anyone wants to sell 60 purple $25s or trade for white Hundos, let me know. I love the white Hundo, but that purple chip is so nice.
The orange and pink really pop.

Pink frac, blue one, orange five....
Love that purple frac and Borg style $1
I want more of the orange $5s. I just ordered 1 rack (stupid). If any of you who ordered a bunch has decided that these chips don't look all that good after all, and want to sell some or all...let me know. I'll take care of that before shipping ;)
I want more of the orange $5s. I just ordered 1 rack (stupid). If any of you who ordered a bunch has decided that these chips don't look all that good after all, and want to sell some or all...let me know. I'll take care of that before shipping ;)

And so it begins.
Great job with these Mel (and others). They really look awesome and wish I could have been involved in the group buy. Congrats on the endeavor and hope that there would be another chance at these.
The chips look great. My tracking numbers are live for Monday delivery. I'm impressed with the speed of packaging and re-shipping, especially given @liftapint sore back. Thanks for the hard work.

I think all the fracs look great and I'm a little sorry I didn't order any (not that I need them).
The chips look great. My tracking numbers are live for Monday delivery. I'm impressed with the speed of packaging and re-shipping, especially given @liftapint sore back. Thanks for the hard work.

I think all the fracs look great and I'm a little sorry I didn't order any (not that I need them).

Mine shows Monday delivery as well. Unbelievable. This has been a great first group buy experience for me. I can't imagine that they all go as smooth as this.
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