Canceled Entire Chip Collection - Limited Time Only (2 Viewers)

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The CR cash and tourney sets were a personal sets of joshuadalton back the the blue wall days. He was a vendor on that site. He owned the rights to the High Roller artwork and the MGK mold. He was the one who sold MGK blanks, and would do the hotstamping (it’s how I got my Andy’s Palace set). Once BCC stopped selling to the public, he kinda quit, too. Eventually he sold everything including his personal sets.
I got full CR cash and tourney sample sets during my time on the blue wall.
Blue wall those were the days. Good good wish we could recover those threads !
wouldn't audiophile level equipment be a better investment, or less bad investment than poker chips? i would think those prices have probably gone up even more than chip prices, no?
wouldn't audiophile level equipment be a better investment, or less bad investment than poker chips? i would think those prices have probably gone up even more than chip prices, no?

No I mean paying hundreds or thousands per meter for something that a lamp cord will do just as well

Acoustic Signature makes a vinyl record player that retails at $200,000.

The Robb Report has done a piece on the most expensive speaker cables in the world.

Like chippers, audiophiles come in all kinds of income sizes and shapes, and with varying levels of price tolerance for what they think will be the most amazing option.

Somewhere, an audiophile who plays poker has just heard about a 500-chipset that sold for $4,000, and just said to his friend, “Suckers. Paying thousands when a $20 set from Target would do.”
wouldn't audiophile level equipment be a better investment, or less bad investment than poker chips? i would think those prices have probably gone up even more than chip prices, no?
Doesn’t enjoyment count as a return on your money? Personally I think most purchases I’ve made in life were for my own likes and enjoyment first.
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