For Sale EOI - Iron Bank Custom CPC set (3 Viewers)

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Does anyone know of a reputable third party site we could set up for donations that wouldn't want a wet bite out of the funds?
cant you just do paypal via f/f function? and have one person run organize it and then send the funds to stocky?
cant you just do paypal via f/f function? and have one person run organize it and then send the funds to stocky?

I would advise against this - once PayPal sees a ton of $20 or $40 friends and family transactions come through your account it's highly likely they will get suspicious. I ran into this problem with a group buy several years ago. Maybe they have changed policies but I doubt it...sorry, didn't mean to threadjack or fill this thread with negativity.
Does anyone have a bright idea on how to pull it together? Lots of people interesting in contributing so I think we need to figure out how to pull it together. Give Stocky some good news when morning rolls around on the other side of the planet.
Does anyone have a bright idea on how to pull it together? Lots of people interesting in contributing so I think we need to figure out how to pull it together. Give Stocky some good news when morning rolls around on the other side of the planet.

I know it goes against everything we know in our tech-based, instant-gratification, gotta-have-it-now world but checks or money orders would be the way to go if I were running the show. Yes it would take longer and involve some leg work by the organizer but it's at least one option.
Those with paypal access could pay via the friends and family option to one person. After he collects the funds then he could ship said funds either by paypal/cashiers check ect....
I know it goes against everything we know in our tech-based, instant-gratification, gotta-have-it-now world but checks or money orders would be the way to go if I were running the show. Yes it would take longer and involve some leg work by the organizer but it's at least one option.
I will volunteer to pull this together if this is what we think the best way to do this is. We do need to make sure Stocky is willing to accept this and that this will be enough to help him keep the set. I suppose we could have the checks go to one person and then PayPal him the funds in one transaction.
Download the Venmo app for iPhone or Droid and link your bank or card.

I can send money via Bank of America transfer, PayPal or Venmo
Honestly, Paypal is probably the easiest way to do it - Links, how many transactions did you do in that GB before your account was flagged? I know I've received at least 15 in a very short period with no issues. Plus, if everyone sends to one person who sends to Stocky in one transaction, the international transfer fees will be minimized. Still, it would probably best to split it up amongst 2-3 "receivers" to be safe. I'll be happy to serve as one of them.

Wow you guys, I really didn't expect that. I just offered it on the outside chance that that would be enough impetus to keep the set - it's amazing what just a small "sweetener" can do to get someone to do something they really wanted to do anyway. ;) I never thought half the site would jump on board... This place is awesome. :D
I've received about 30 F&F transactions for postage without a problem. The larger amount may still cause issues, but I'm not sure. Whatever makes the most sense, I'm happy to help too.

For me personally, Stocky has stood out for his generosity, offering the naming contest for these chips (in which I won my two samples sets, plus a very nice selection of chips and cards), taking a lot of care with getting orders arranged for people around the globe, and just letting us into the process of creating a chip set that most of us wouldn't have had the confidence to attempt. He hasn't lost that attitude even though things have been rough lately. It's easy to tip the dealer when you're raking in pots, but it takes a lot more character keep it up when your stack is dwindling. It'd be a great feeling to be a part of a successful effort to keep these chips where they belong.
This community support is amazing!
I don't even know him, but put me in for $10 if this happens.
Tough decision. I so sorry to hear this and I sure hope things will change fast enough, so you would be able to keep the set.
Struggling right now, but I agree that the chips should stay in OZ with Paul if at all possible. I'd certainly contribute $20. I'd also be willing to help with the logistics, if there's anything I can do.
Guys I can't express how much everyone here has shocked and surprised me. I am literally at a lost at what to say. The kindness in this thread just goes to show how great everyone here is, and even though I haven't met any of you, I consider you all friends.

I have trouble expressing myself whilst typing so please bear (bare?) with me.

It was never my intention when I started this thread to receive the type of responses that have come. It's overwhelming. I saw the posts yesterday but needed time to process. So please don't think I've been avoiding the subject or ignoring it. I started it for a few reason, and even though no one has asked for the whole story I feel I owe it all to you to explain why.

I lost my job the day after I placed the order for these with CPC. A combination of bad timing and worse timing. Honestly if I had lost my job the day before I placed the order this set wouldn't exists. The company I worked for lost their catering contract. While I was aware that there was a new company coming, we were assured by the new company that there would be no jobs lost. I was going to receive a payout for all my accrued leave, and that "bonus" was going to pay for my set and bump up our savings. Well that wasn't quite how it turned out. 50% of us lost our jobs either a few days before or after the contract change over. (I guess they didn't want people leaving early and looking for other work untill they had there staff ready to go.) Having never been unemployed for more than a week it was quite a daunting experience. I knew being so close to Christmas that there would be little available and that I'd likely be looking for a few weeks. I thought no problem, we've got a fair bit of savings and we'll survive. Well it's been a lot longer than a couple of weeks.

After receiving my set I was over the moon. But I also felt selfish and guilty spending the money I had on it. It's the most amount I've ever spent on something for myself and It didn't seem right. My wife disagrees, and we've argued (well she's strongly voiced her displeasure at me listing the set, and I've sat there and listened).

At this moment I'm going to take the set off the market. I'd like to thank everyone for your support and those of you who offered to purchase the set. Your offers were way above fair. Also thank you to everyone offering to pay me not to sell them :) even the thought of it means more to me than you could ever know and I hope I can repay the kindness one day. But I cannot take your money. While it's tempting I cannot expect you all to pay for my misfortune. I have a roof above my head and healthy family (and a kick ass poker chip set). There are others a lot more deserving.

Thank you all again.
Always listen to the wife. She sounds like a keeper for sure. So glad to hear you're holding on to the chips. Get a game together soon. Keep tough on the job front man.
Even the thought of it means more to me than you could ever know and I hope I can repay the kindness one day.

While it's true that all men must die (requisite GoT reference), may you and yours live long, happy, and healthy lives before that day comes to pass. As for repaying the kindness, pay it forward. One day you'll have the means and opportunity to do so. You'll know when the time comes.

Best wishes, Stocky! Thoughts and prayers comin' atcha from the other side of the globe.
I'm glad you're keeping the chips, and willing to up my pledge to $100 if you don't get on your feet before you need to sell. Best of luck.
Wish I was as level headed as you, I just bought a 900 chip set and a 1000 piece CPC custom order, cant wait to see my wifes face when they get delivered.
I'm glad you're keeping the chips, and willing to up my pledge to $100 if you don't get on your feet before you need to sell. Best of luck.
Second this. The thought of you selling these chips you've obviously poured your soul into is heart wrenching.
Paul, it's good of you to share your circumstances, never an easy thing. The timing and being without work sure sucks, but hope things turn for the better soon. My offer still stands, as I'm sure would that of many others if you need it. Mostly, enjoy your epic set. It should bring you happiness not stress!
I'm sorry I was off PCF for long enough to miss my opportunity to pledge to the cause... but I'm happy to hear you're hanging on to the chips!

This set wasn't just custom... it was an achievement.

Good luck on the job hunt. You need a better-paying job, so you can get to the cash set sooner!
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