Straight Flush
In for $20!
cant you just do paypal via f/f function? and have one person run organize it and then send the funds to stocky?Does anyone know of a reputable third party site we could set up for donations that wouldn't want a wet bite out of the funds?
who is the most trustworthy on the old chipper blockcant you just do paypal via f/f function? and have one person run organize it and then send the funds to stocky?
cant you just do paypal via f/f function? and have one person run organize it and then send the funds to stocky?
Does anyone have a bright idea on how to pull it together? Lots of people interesting in contributing so I think we need to figure out how to pull it together. Give Stocky some good news when morning rolls around on the other side of the planet.
I will volunteer to pull this together if this is what we think the best way to do this is. We do need to make sure Stocky is willing to accept this and that this will be enough to help him keep the set. I suppose we could have the checks go to one person and then PayPal him the funds in one transaction.I know it goes against everything we know in our tech-based, instant-gratification, gotta-have-it-now world but checks or money orders would be the way to go if I were running the show. Yes it would take longer and involve some leg work by the organizer but it's at least one option.
Even the thought of it means more to me than you could ever know and I hope I can repay the kindness one day.
Second this. The thought of you selling these chips you've obviously poured your soul into is heart wrenching.I'm glad you're keeping the chips, and willing to up my pledge to $100 if you don't get on your feet before you need to sell. Best of luck.
We've got your backVery happy to hear that these are off the market.