Hey, so I finally received my EPT replicas from China (kailegame).
Bought 500 chips at 0.26$ each.
+Amazing quality for the price
+One of the best looking chips ever made/designed (imo)
+Feel very smooth just as any ceramic chips
-Very expensive shipping (well, package was like 12kg)
-Some minor inconsistencies with the white EPT text on some chips (opacity)
-You can see some printing marks from the chip maker machine on the chips If you look closely with light (in normal use doesn't show at all)
And If anyone has problems with supporting "stolen" designs etc.. Personally I would pay for originals with a premium price, BUT they aren't available so this Is the best you can get
If you want to own EPT chips with the oldschool design
(0.50 chip was my own request for the color, but I do regret not having the denomination with a slight shadow under It (white on neon yellow Isn't really visible without a shadow, thankfully only ordered 25 of those ones ^^)
Seen some posts about people asking about EPT chips and about mandypoker etc. This Is a complete guess, but I think mandypoker, zaf.su etc are 3rd party sellers and will ask for much higher price for the exact same product so those interested, keep that in mind.
Again these were bought from
http://www.kailegame.com (I don't have any affiliation with this company, but I am very happy with my purchase at least)
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