With witching season fast approaching, Ma's in the kitchen baking up a batch of Halloween cookies.
To mark my favorite season and holiday, my upcoming birthday, and that I'm actually getting to play poker this weekend, I'm giving away 3 Halloween cookies.
The rules of the game are simple. I'm going to post 3 pics at different intervals.
The pics will be of black cat MD-50 chips. They'll be core chips:
...with a freak (cookie chip) somewhere in frame.
All you need to do is spot the cookie chip, draw a close circle around where it is in the pic and upload your pic.
First person to upload the pic with the cookie correctly identified with a circle wins the chip.
Like Where's Wally, but with chips.
If you've already won a cookie, you won't be eligible to win (@BGinGA @krafticus @David O @Forty4 @Chippy McChiperson) but you can still play and show everyone how great you are.
The first one'll be easy, then they'll get harder.
First pic will be uploaded in 4 hours' time. Eyes peeled!

To mark my favorite season and holiday, my upcoming birthday, and that I'm actually getting to play poker this weekend, I'm giving away 3 Halloween cookies.
The rules of the game are simple. I'm going to post 3 pics at different intervals.
The pics will be of black cat MD-50 chips. They'll be core chips:

...with a freak (cookie chip) somewhere in frame.
All you need to do is spot the cookie chip, draw a close circle around where it is in the pic and upload your pic.
First person to upload the pic with the cookie correctly identified with a circle wins the chip.
Like Where's Wally, but with chips.
If you've already won a cookie, you won't be eligible to win (@BGinGA @krafticus @David O @Forty4 @Chippy McChiperson) but you can still play and show everyone how great you are.
The first one'll be easy, then they'll get harder.
First pic will be uploaded in 4 hours' time. Eyes peeled!