Favorite Gifted Poker Chip/Item (2 Viewers)

more @PAZ

My last one for now has a story.
As some already know I have ~3200 TRK Deadwoods.
In the past I was only talked into selling some off 2x.
The 1st time to some unknown (CT) kid that was begging me.
2 months later I stumble upon his classified selling them due to 'financial woes'.
I contacted him and asked why he had not contacted me 1st. Long story short, they arrived back home.
2nd case: I sold some to the most honorable CT'er Big Brando (I think I have the name right).
Weeks later he posts the missing spot chip I sent him.
I had no idea at the time such a chip mistake was even possible.
He sent it back to me w/o me even asking (he probably could smell the blood pouring from my ears)
(and then later I bought back the rest of my original sale for reasons I forget).

Here is the one custom sample I have of his.
Although it says Washington DC. I believe he hailed from Fairfax.
I had traveled there during this time to visit a sister in law and regret never having looked him up.


whitlow must have been the dog
I remember his name being Brandon R.

the returned red chip (green found in my collection later)
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TY Midnight Rose (from HPT).
Awesome bear print (with a rose) hot-stamp.
The picture does not do it justice.
I have blue, orange, gray, and brown.
They all came out blurry except this one. I will try to add those later when possible.
Oh man…
As mentioned, @PAZ has come through many times, from chips to crack bread. Always welcome anything and everything from Paul

@FordPickup92 and @Ben8257 have hooked me up on several occasions, and I’m very grateful.

All of MD trade samples of our sets back and forth. I’ll never charge them, and they haven’t charged me for any either.

@BiGGyT and @slisk250 hooked me up in Atlanta this year, and I find free chips usually find their way around at all meetups.

I’m blessed to have received several thoughtful gifts from forum members.
I want to begin with that this forum is FILLED with some of the world's most amazing humans I have ever met. Even those that I haven't gotten to meet in person or talk via DMs. I've seen tons and tons of love spread around. From sending singles to people, saying dibs for someone that you know has been looking for chips and sending random care packages to each other. It's been just so much fun and lovely to see it all happening over the two years that I've been on here.

Now, I have a list of people I could name off the top of my head that have helped me with my chipping journey and I appreciate everyone that has sent me something randomly in the mail, sent extra chips if I've bought only one or even gifting me chips in person. You will never be forgotten, but I think the person that truly stands out to me and someone I'll always look up to is @leo822. When I started making the videos and posting them onto here while also sharing my collection with the things that I was receiving in the mail E was very helpful with informing me about different chips, sharing photos of some of the craziest chips ever and so much more. At the 2021 CCA convention he told me to come over to the table that he was at and said that he had a gift for me. Next thing you know he pulls out a hot stamped Kings Crown tri-moon that I had never seen before. At that point I don't even remember if I knew the difference between the hot stamped ones and the inlay ones, but I was caught a little off guard and surprised to say the least. He said it was a part of a very select few that had ones of those and I was now lucky to have one of those. It's up there as one of my favorite chips of all time. Along with that periodically he would send me random goodies in the mail that I would have never expected to receive in the mail. Majority or if not all of them being, TRKs. Here's a little sneak peak of a few.

Kings Crown Hotstamp Tri-Moon(2).jpg

Another one of the first to watch my videos was @Lil Tuna. Matt was giving me tips and positive feedback from the beginning as far as the content went, what other history videos he wanted to see, but also what others might be interested in. A good chunk of the places wanted was Reno/Lake Tahoe casinos that used TRKs like Riverside, Mapes, Money Tree, Nevada Club, Nevada Lodge and more. Those are some of my favorite videos that I've made because those were some of the most famous places in Reno and Lake Tahoe along with the casinos that had some of the nicest chips ever. Some of the MOST sought after chips in quantity on this thread too. So, one day I went to get the mail and he mentioned that he wanted to send me something, but I had no idea what it was going to be. Next thing you know I opened up the package and this is inside...


Other notable people are @RivieraDanny, @Ben8257 & @FordPickup92, @Psypher1000, @PAZ, @41Pickup, @AfterTheFact, @slisk250, @RichMahogany, @kmccormick100, @BamaT8ter, @John Conor, @Godzilla28, @Potsie1, @PokerDogDoc, @ReallyGoodUsername, @TRKingChips, @Windwalker, @mipevi, @joeyshin, @JWC, @ADS Aviator, @JesterTX, @Chipton & @HaRDHouSeiNC. Hopefully I didn't miss anyone... Some of you have gifted me with chips, stickers, or something similar but the things that I appreciate the most is conversations. Getting to talk in person whether its 5 minutes or hours about chips or just life in general is the best. Hanging out and enjoying each others company is the absolute best so I'm thankful for all of you in one way or another.

I've been just blessed to be in the position that I'm in and I'm thankful for every single day. I've felt nothing but love from this forum since day 1 and I hope that continues. There is so much more to learn and share within this hobby which will take years. By that point, I'm sure we wouldn't even be close to learning everything. New chips are still being found, new information is still being found out and casinos are closing here and there. Which means that there is still a chance for people to get chips that they've always wanted. I'm lowkey hoping for that day to come when one of the larger TRK collectors starts to slowly get rid of their collection and I'll have the chance to own chips I have always dream of owning. This forum is amazing and I'm so glad I found this hobby.
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The day @PAZ sent me cinnamon bread I was nearly in tears, by far my favorite.
I have several others that have been gifted @WedgeRock sent me what became my very first capper, @moechar sent me that awesome bucket of blood chip, @Josh Kifer has definitely sent some goodies, @flipupchipup has gifted gifted some really incredible PCA stuff I love to death, @Lil Tuna, @krafticus, @Cliff, and @bergs have all gifted Ben and I some really bad ass stuff.
I believe it was @steam that gifted me some PCA seating chips. @Littleluck55 sent me a really cool custom ceramic that became a capper as well. @pacmartine @markleteenie @BSteck @arch3r and @JeepologyOffroad (@saleen121212 too) the OG group we've shared alot of stuff amongst friends.
Even @detroitdad and @BarrieJ3

I'm know there's quite a few others but this is what's off the top of my head at the moment. We're at the beach so I don't have all the goodies in front of me.
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I have 9 of these (probably a 10th somewhere)
@toad94 (I think)
Would love to get hold of a green.
I will send you one if you want. However my recent experiance in sending 3 chips to Europe was is cost $15 to send and the recipient $30 to release from customs.
I would only try to send disguised in a letter if you want one.
Looks like I’m about to get a new favorite gifted poker item :love:

@Rbonus012 check your mailbox ;)
Crap! Forgive me for being as fecklessly dithering as I am. I forgot about the 5…I mean 4 loaves of Cinnfully delicious bread sent to the 2018 Great divide. @PAZ is one badass mutha. And no, I don’t feel guilty eating loaf number 5.

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