Poker Zombie
Royal Flush
I'm interested in knowing if people would feel differently if this was the scenario:
Hero is in the BB withand UTG min-raises instead of straddling. The same players call including the button and SB folds. Would this not be a hand you would protect your BB with getting the odds you're looking at? I know one crucial factor is that in this scenario Hero is closing the action, but would it really play out that much differently?
K9 is marginal. If you're going to play marginal, you need to isolate. Take it to 2 players, knowing you're well behind. With a crafty LAG ahead of you, you know he's going to bet out on you, so you're damned if you flat (too many opponents can beat K9), you're damned if you raise pre (because you are committing chips pre and post). Only +EV pre move is fold K9 OOP.