Nice job! I've been thinking about doing the same for my oak kitchen table (also expands w/ two leaves). A couple of questions:
- I was going to use 1/4" ply as the base, then foam, then a Chanman Custom Suede. Is the foam without a base stiff enough and strong enough? (Out of Context Thread, here I come)
- How do you attach the foam/speed cloth to the rail (when you are hanging it on the wall as shown, or laying it on the table)?
- Can you post (or PM me) a few pictures of the foam/SSC separate from the rail, back side of the rail, any build pictures, etc.?
If you can, I'd recommend using 1/4" plywood for a base for the speedcloth. I chose not to, my priority was To make the table super easy to put up and take down, and to have it be easily portable and easy to store.
However, I've been happier than expected with how the speedcloth attached to only foam has worked. It's sitting on top of a wood table, so it feels like any other poker table.
I don't attach the speedcloth in any way when it's in "table mode". It's basically just a matt that sits on top of the table (it's the exact size of the table), and then I put the rail on top, and that's it. The rail sitting on top adds a little pressure, and I have not noticed any slipping or movement yet.
When it's in "art mode", I've been using thumbtacks to stick it into the wood of the rail. I know this isn't a good option, but it was quick and easy and what I had at the time.
I'll send you some pics. Unfortunately I just broke the table down and hung it up before seeing your post. But I'll definitely send you more info