Frac Requirements (1 Viewer)

Just because casinos were to cheap to splurge on edge spots and and inlays doesn't mean we have to be :cool
1. Fracs must be solid.
2. Fracs must be hot stamped.

Prove me wrong.
@David O you might be infractuated by this thread :)

First of all, yes I am a bit infractuated.

Secondly not all, but most fracs "should" be hot stamped!

1. Fracs must be solid.
2. Fracs must be hot stamped.

Prove me wrong.

you are wrong..

Here is a picture to back up my claim...

here is a pic that doesn't prove it..

Here is a pic of a mixed set with inlay fracs, but that is just coincidental..

and this is a tool to convert an inlay chip to a hotstamp:
Is it sacrilege to have a semicustom set with both an 8V quarter and a solid 50c? The final version of the Cattery set is looking like it's gonna turn out that way, having both 25c and 50c will make the weird limits people are asking for on the blackjack streams a bit easier to handle (never with both in play at the same time of course, and it's all fake money...)
Fracs should be Non-Denominated, to play as either .20 or .25 or .50, or even $2 in a non-frac game.

mint white.jpg

Solid hot stamps are just gross. Solids are only appropriate for Roulette. I can’t stand hot stamps in general- nothing attractive about them. I really, really don’t get the fascination with those. I don’t even like fracs in general, but if you are going to have them, get some decent looking chips with labels and edge spots!!!
Solid hot stamps are just gross. Solids are only appropriate for Roulette. I can’t stand hot stamps in general- nothing attractive about them. I really, really don’t get the fascination with those. I don’t even like fracs in general, but if you are going to have them, get some decent looking chips with labels and edge spots!!!
of course that is largely a ceremonial chip, in the .25/.5 game with straddle after straddle and pot repot repot pre-flop
This is the thread of the year so far! I'm shifting my focus to finding more fracs. Solid, spotted, hot stamped, inlayed. They're all great!
That's it. I have direction now. I'll find the perfect RHC Santa Ysabel Frac. @Mangatang thanks for the inspiration.
This is the thread of the year so far! I'm shifting my focus to finding more fracs. Solid, spotted, hot stamped, inlayed. They're all great!
That's it. I have direction now. I'll find the perfect RHC Santa Ysabel Frac. @Mangatang thanks for the inspiration.View attachment 613791
Most people use the $2 as a frac. I think it does make a great frac, but if you're going to use it for face value then what the hell would make a good $0.25 chip here?

I've been trying to figure that one out... If you figure it out let me know.
Solid hot stamps are just gross. Solids are only appropriate for Roulette. I can’t stand hot stamps in general- nothing attractive about them. I really, really don’t get the fascination with those. I don’t even like fracs in general, but if you are going to have them, get some decent looking chips with labels and edge spots!!!

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