SOLD Full PCF! Tiger Palace NCV white barrels, SD sample sets, HS Clev barrels, THC Starbursts (2 Viewers)

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Bump with price drops.

Dropped the price on everything*
* except the first and last items in the list in the OP.

<Salesmen mode activated>
That's right! How much would you pay for used casino chips?


Uhh... no they are not for sale at that price.


Why are you going up? This is not an auction. Stop interrup...


<face palm>
Update bump.
Another barrel of HS Cleveland $100 has sold.
Lake Elsinore $2 Hex in VGC price dropped.

All this is has been updated in the very first post on page 1. It's the always the first place to look for quantities and the latest prices!

These Tiger Palace NCV White Bear/sloth claws are getting worried that nobody likes them.
They are for sale at Ken prices, in a less-than-rack size that is more affordable.
Show 'em some love :hearts: and buy a barrel or two!

Another rack of Tiger Palace NCV White has sold. We're getting down to the last few barrels that I have in stock. The OP has been updated with the number on hand.

Dibbers on the White TP NCV, PM to follow, choo chooooooo

This has sold! The OP has been updated.

Thanks for the smooth transaction and quick shipping!!
I appreciate the kind words. :love:

I’d take 1 barrel of white ncv tigers if available
This is pending. PM sent. @doublebooyah85 Please check our existing PM thread.

OK, this is the last cat update. For real.

It's been almost two weeks since her surgery. She was in pain for the first 5 days, but quickly recovered. I admit, watching her hobble around on three legs while in pain was a tough thing to watch.

But she recovered from the pain and began walking around everywhere. At day 4 she was already going up and down the stairs. There were a few incidents where she tried to jump up to my lap, but she doesn't have the same rear leg jumping power and the jump was short. She caught herself before she fell with her two front claws... on my legs... I was wearing shorts.
She was sorry. And after I picked her up she stayed with me for pretty much the rest of the day.

Today she's pretty much back to normal. She's now jumps up to a vacant spot on the sofa first, and then walks across it to get to my lap--even walking across other people's laps. She does this to avoid jumping on me and hurting me again.

The only thing that hasn't gone right is that she sometimes get's her "Cone of Shame" off and then she picks at her stiches. So it's taking them longer than normal to heal.

Here she is today in her Cone of Shame. (Sorry for the low light blurry pic).

Tiger Palace NCV White
  • 1 barrel AND 1 rack left (6 barrels in total)
  • $190 / barrel - Still at original Ken prices!

Horseshoe Cleveland 500s
  • 2 barrels left
  • $100 / barrel

Find more chips for sale in the first post (OP) on page 1 of this thread.

General Info on shipping:
I ship using the least expensive option that includes tracking. This is usually US Postal Service. Sometimes, shipments are upgraded to UPS lagniappe.
If you request, I can ship through USPS, UPS or FedEx. I'll be happy to get you updated shipping costs if you request a specific service.
Tiger Palace NCV White still available by the barrel!

Lowered the price of everything else in the OP (the original post on page 1).
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