Here's a fun hand from a 6+ hr session yesterday afternoon at the Horseshoe. I rarely feel I played a hand with minimal mistakes, but this might be one. Tell me what you think. I was about 5 hrs into the session and had a pretty good feel for the table. Hadn't been too much turnover since I sat down. Playing 1/3, with a stack of $320. Was in for $400, so down a little. I'm on the button and look down at . Folds around to the cut-off who limps. I min raise. I know, I know, but raises to $15-$18 had been routinely getting 4 callers minimum, so I wanted to just see what happened with the blinds. 4 callers, pot of $24. Flop comes . Good flop, all things considered and with position, but not great. Checks around to me. I lead out for $15. Both blinds fold and the co calls. CO is an older gentleman, maybe early sixties. Hasn't been at the table long, but my read is that he's straight forward, TAG. Pot is $54 - rake. Turn is lightning in a bottle - . CO checks. This is where I start having fun, but I'll save that for a bit. Thoughts on my move here?