GB2 - Mountain Top Casino (43mm Sun-Fly hybrids) - discussion (1 Viewer)

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Aug 13, 2013
Reaction score
Harrisburg, PA
Members have expressed interest in having another group buy for these chips. @BGinGA has offered to coordinate round 2, however Tommy is not available to handle the shipping this time. Before we can get this started, we will need to have a discussion around the topics below to see if this is something we should move forward with or not.

Here are a few thoughts that I have:
- Orders must be in increments of 25
- No sample sets will be offered as part of the GB. However if a member wants to place the order and deal with shipping the samples, this can be done.
- No changes will be made to the existing artwork, this is a reorder of existing chips and labels.
- We will offer Dealer buttons again

1) We need somebody to handle shipping of the chips (labelled and non-labelled). Not trying to scare anybody off, but would like this to be an experienced member with a good reputation.
2) Do we have enough interest for a 2nd GB? FYI - Cost might be a different from first GB based on volume. Will we have enough to get discount from Sun-Fly and reduce the per chip price for shipping? Post your estimated numbers so we can get a rough idea of volume, not a commitment at this time just trying to determine interest.
3) Do we have demand for labels? Again post your estimated numbers.
4) Assuming 3 is yes, we will need somebody willing to coordinate separating the labels and shipping once they arrive. (or will this be the same person to handle both?). Tommy mentioned this was very time consuming so my recommendation would be to have labels and chips handled by a different member.
5) Any preference on timing? before the holidays? after January 1st? etc...

Previous order thread for reference:

This should get the discussion started and we will see where it goes.
I'm in for AT LEAST 1100 labelled chips. I don't have a massive preference on timing, but the sooner I get the chips the better for me. :)
Thanks for this discussion I know I’m in for an order. Likely in the 600-1200 chip range. I will know more as we get closer to finalizing costs and I determine my needs (Er, wants).
If the GB goes through, I have 1800 tournament labels that I'll also post for sale.
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I'd be in for at least a small add-on of 150 chips (100 blanks + 50 cash chips) and 200 labels.
Depending when this goes down I'd be in for 600 of the cash set

I'd want pink quarters, blue 1s, unlabeled yellows and $5 labeles to make the yellows 5s and unlabeled black chips with $20 labels. Also some dealer buttons of course.
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Looks like we have people interested in these chips, but unless we get a volunteer to do the shipping this will not happen. If your interested in shipping you can send me or @BGinGA a PM.
Would @BGinGA and any other ga members want to get together with me and do the shipping as a team? This would save us on re shipping if a few people from GA order and can pick up in person?
I am in for an add on of about 200-300 of the tournament chips.
I'm in for an add on to my existing set . 100 chips and some seperate labels. I'd also be interested in volunteering in anyway to help this second buy happen .
Place holder for me. Can't commit to wanting both sets at the same time, but I'd for sure want a cash or tourney set. (reminder to me to add rebuys and bounties)

Labeled Cash chips:
125 = 25c pink
250 = $1 blue
125 = $500 purple
125 = $1000 grey
200 = $5000 orange
150 = $25000 blue

Blank Cash chips:
250 = yellow
75 = black

Labels only:
300 = $5
100 = $20
I would be in for an add-on to my cash set (200 or 300) and an additional 400 to 500 tourney chips.
I would need my cash chips blank with labels on the side, but tourney chips as is.
Also, a great big thank you to whoever can handle the reshipping.

As far as timing, I am in either way, before or after the 1st of the year.
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