Two Pair
Well....I am a baseball card collector too and so I have some thoughts on this. It may not necessarily translate to chipping, but it probably should. There absolutely are chips that could come straight off the compression mold, into a box, never touched by a human being and not "technically" be mint. Brand new baseball cards that have never been touched are very very rarely mint when graded. I would suspect that not a single $5 chip in that rack would be considered Mint to a grading company that would inspect it's every micrometer under a 10x loupe, give it a grade, seal it up and register it. They would find the label not perfectly centered, a color-dye transfer (however slight) or the bleeding of ink on the H of Horseshoe that didn't meet their perfect standard. I'm not aware of a chip grading company and this forum doesn't seem like the place that people are looking for the perfect un-cancelled Inverted Jenny Postage Stamp worth a couple million bucks. But rather, this seems to me to be the place where collections of chips are bought, sold, viewed and generally drooled on (which decreases their mint state significantly).
So if we're going to get into grading of things for re-sale value of individual chips, then we can discuss that. And if that's the case, then nobody has a mint set of anything, because there is no way possible that even 10 chips in a 1000, straight off the manufacturing line, would be "GRADED" mint. that nobody has any mint sets of anything, I'll put this rack up against any $5 rack out there.
And for the record, it's just me that enjoys their perfection and they'll never hit the market anywhere or a poker table for that matter. It's my first set to collect and I'm having a ball trying to find the highest quality chips that exist within it.
They aren't mint, per se...but then again, they really are.
Mic drop....