Giveaway Contest - Happy St Patrick's Day! (1 Viewer)

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Nov 12, 2014
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Happy St. Patrick's Day!

I have been known to get into the spirit now and again...
My maiden name is Rourke.

Guinness Up.jpg Guinness Down.jpg

Time to do a giveaway!
We have some spare buttons from Mardi Gras, and it's time to show our appreciation for all y'all.
We are giving away 5 buttons to the folks who give the closest answers to the questions below.

Post your guesses to my questions in this thread and I will see how close folks got.
I will tally it all up next Sunday.

If too many got it right we will do a random draw from all the correct answers.

Starting Stacks.JPG

1. What percentage Irish am I?
2. What year did I travel to Ireland?
3. How old was I??!?!?!?
4. Name the City and the Town these two photos were taken in.

Ireland (1).jpg Ireland (2).JPG

5. What was the date this photo was taken on?

Ireland (3).JPG
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Happy St. Patrick's Day!

I have been known to get into the spirit now and again...
My maiden name is Rourke.

View attachment 1480012 View attachment 1480013

Time to do a giveaway!
We have some spare buttons from Mardi Gras, and it's time to show our appreciation for all y'all.
We are giving away 5 buttons to the folks who give the closest answers to the questions below.

Post your guesses to my questions in this thread and I will see how close folks got.
I will tally it all up next Sunday.

If too many got it right we will do a random draw from all the correct answers.

View attachment 1480014

1. What percentage Irish am I?
2. What year did I travel to Ireland?
3. How old was I??!?!?!?
4. Name the City and the Town these two photos were taken in.

View attachment 1480017 View attachment 1480019

4. What was the date this photo was taken on?

View attachment 1480018
Bonus: Saint Patricks day!

Jacket and hair are so 90’s. I’d guess the city was Glasgow but I’m an American so I’m sure that’s wrong.
1. What percentage Irish am I?
2. What year did I travel to Ireland?
3. How old was I??!?!?!?
4. Name the City and the Town these two photos were taken in.
1. 80%
2. 1992
3. 23
4. Dublin and Kilarney
5. 3/17/1992
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Thanks for doing the giveaway!!

I got no clue, but here is my guess:

1: 50%
2: 1995
3: 20
4: Ennis / Clarecastle
5: 3/17/1995
Thanks to all that participated!
All y'all get a button coming your way. :)
I will reach out via PM to confirm address'

For the record:
  1. 25% - Dad is first generation American, his father having immigrated from Ireland as a child.
  2. 1993
  3. 20 yrs old
  4. Dublin (at St. Patrick's Cathedral) & Killarney
  5. March 17 1993
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