SOLD Giveaway - Gemaco Jumbo Hold'em Poker - Plastic - Bridge Size - Standard Index Cards. (3 Viewers)

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Full House
Sep 20, 2017
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New Jersey
Rating - 100%
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Hi everyone,

I was looking through all my card sets I have and decided to do a Giveaway today I am giving one used Gemaco Jumbo Hold'Em (100% Plastic, Bridge Standard Index) cards from one of the Station Casino properties near Las Vegas. I remember playing with these cards when I went out to Vegas a long while ago. So I think they are from the Green Valley Ranch Casino. My 6YO son at the time last year was using my phone and I think he clicked the BIN and some how purchased these cards. I must of left my eBay up as this was the last thing I was looking at when I handed him the phone. I only found out after I got a notice in my Email about my purchase. I wasn't that disappointed as they were $24 for 6 decks. They are all in Great Condition. I never used any of them in a game. Shipping will be be Free in the US. I'll have to let you know if you are international what shipping would be. Here is how the Giveaway will work. I posted 20 Movie quotes from different movies that came to the top of my head. They are movies from the 80's, 90's, and one from the late 70's. Some will be way easier than others. They span across different Genres. To enter post in your response numbers 1. through 20. and then your answers for each line which movie it is. If a movie is like a 2, 3, 4 etc... you must post the Sequel number of the movie or else the answer is wrong. The first person to get all 20 movies correctly will win the cards. Sorry I didn't want to make it so easy to get the prize and wanted people to put a little effort in.


Twenty Movie Quotes to Answer for the Giveaway. Some of the ( ) are some hints.
1. It's Not a Tumor(pronounced Toomah)!
2. Damn! Where is that Kid?
3. If he dies, he dies.
4. Can you put this in a good spot? 'cause all of this $hit happened the last time I parked here.
5. Son, Your Ego Is Writing Checks Your Body Can't Cash
6. Get him a body bag….yeah!!!
7. This is pure snow! It's everywhere! Do you have any idea what the street value of this mountain is?
8. I find your lack of faith disturbing (as a man is being choked)
9. You two donkey &icks couldn't get laid in a morgue.
10. We're gonna bring this party up to a nice respectable level. Don't worry, we're not gonna hurt anyone. We're not even gonna touch 'em. We're just gonna make 'em cry a little, just by lookin' at 'em.
11. Hey Everybody...We're all gonna get laid! (Crowd Roars and movie ends shortly after)
12. The football team at my high school, they were tough. After they sacked the quarterback, they went after his family.
13. Guys, I'm eating junk and watching rubbish! You better come out and stop me!
14. Hey Yankees... you can take your apology and your trophy and shove 'em straight up your @ss!
15. The next time I have to come in here I'm crackin' skulls.
16. Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.
17. Just like a young man coming in for a quickie...i feel so unsatisfied
18. People on ‘ludes should not drive.
19. You learned the two greatest thing in life, never rat on your friends, and always keep your mouth shut.
20. We've got bush! We've got bush!
Last edited:
1. is from Kindergarten Cop (Arnold)

EDIT: Nevermind. just re-read it and realized you want all 20.
1. Kindergarten cop
2. Back to the future
3. Rocky 4
4. Beverly hills cop 2
5. Top Gun
6. Karate Kid
7. Better off Dead
8. Star wars 4
9. Weird Science
10. Some kind of wonderful
11. Caddyshack
12. Back to School
13. Home Alone
14. Bad news Bears
15. the breakfast club
16. Ferris Bueller's day off
17. Rounders
18. Fast Times at Ridgemont Drive
19. Goodfellas
20. Revenge of the nerds ( pretty sure it was said in 1 and 2)
Saying this because the last post says Rocky IV instead of V.
1. Kindergarten Cop
2. Back to the Future
3. Rocky V
4. Beverly Hills Cop
5. Top Gun
6. Karate Kid
7. Better Off Dead
8. Star Wars (The Original 1st One)
9. Weird Science
10. Some Kind of Wonderful
11. Caddyshack
12. Back to School
13. Home Alone 1
14. Bad News Bears
15. The Breakfast Club
16. Ferris Bueller's Day Off
17. Rounders
18. Fast Times at Ridgemont Drive
19. Goodfellas
20. Revenge of the Nerds 1 & 2
Hi @partypoker very close but not quite. @GianThaMan also very close but not quite also. One of both your answers is making me thinking two things either one of you guys copied off the other or there is an auto-correct function that happened and both of you got that answer wrong.

Also I forgot to mention edited responses will not count.
Hi @partypoker very close but not quite. @GianThaMan also very close but not quite also. One of both your answers is making me thinking two things either one of you guys copied off the other or there is an auto-correct function that happened and both of you got that answer wrong.

Also I forgot to mention edited responses will not count.
Not gonna lie I copied the last five.
1. Kindergarten cop
2. Back to the future
3. Rocky 4
4. Beverly hills cop 2
5. Top Gun
6. Karate Kid
7. Better off Dead
8. Star wars 4
9. Weird Science
10. Some kind of wonderful
11. Caddyshack
12. Back to School
13. Home Alone
14. Bad news Bears
15. the breakfast club
16. Ferris Bueller's day off
17. Rounders
18. Fast Times at Ridgemont High
19. Goodfellas
20. Revenge of the nerds ( pretty sure it was said in 1 and 2)
ridgemont high not drive haha must have been autocorrect

i am questioning the rocky though we seem to be off on that
Just changed it for the Rocky thing.
1. Kindergarten Cop
2. Back to the Future
3. Rocky V
4. Beverly Hills Cop
5. Top Gun
6. Karate Kid
7. Better Off Dead
8. Star Wars (The Original 1st One)
9. Weird Science
10. Some Kind of Wonderful
11. Caddyshack
12. Back to School
13. Home Alone 1
14. Bad News Bears
15. The Breakfast Club
16. Ferris Bueller's Day Off
17. Rounders
18. Fast Times at Ridgemont High
19. Goodfellas
20. Revenge of the Nerds 1 & 2
Just changed it for the Rocky thing.
1. Kindergarten Cop
2. Back to the Future
3. Rocky V
4. Beverly Hills Cop
5. Top Gun
6. Karate Kid
7. Better Off Dead
8. Star Wars (The Original 1st One)
9. Weird Science
10. Some Kind of Wonderful
11. Caddyshack
12. Back to School
13. Home Alone 1
14. Bad News Bears
15. The Breakfast Club
16. Ferris Bueller's Day Off
17. Rounders
18. Fast Times at Ridgemont High
19. Goodfellas
20. Revenge of the Nerds 1 & 2
It's not in Rocky V. It's Drago.
just looked Drago is mentioned in rocky V but he says the quote in rocky 4 after the fight interview.
Could be both then.

1. Kindergarten Cop
2. Back to the Future
3. Rocky IV & V
4. Beverly Hills Cop
5. Top Gun
6. Karate Kid
7. Better Off Dead
8. Star Wars (The Original 1st One)
9. Weird Science
10. Some Kind of Wonderful
11. Caddyshack
12. Back to School
13. Home Alone 1
14. Bad News Bears
15. The Breakfast Club
16. Ferris Bueller's Day Off
17. Rounders
18. Fast Times at Ridgemont High
19. Goodfellas
20. Revenge of the Nerds 1 & 2
Nice Gian the came in with that rocky dispute and might have snaked both of us :)
You're an idiot. It's literally right there in the movie.

1. Kindergarten Cop
2. Back to the Future
3. Rocky IV & V
4. Beverly Hills Cop
5. Top Gun
6. Karate Kid
7. Better Off Dead
8. Star Wars (The Original 1st One)
9. Weird Science
10. Some Kind of Wonderful
11. Caddyshack
12. Back to School
13. Home Alone 1
14. Bad News Bears
15. The Breakfast Club
16. Ferris Bueller's Day Off
17. Rounders
18. Fast Times at Ridgemont High
19. Goodfellas
20. Revenge of the Nerds 1 & 2
This reflects so much on you as a person.
The first person to get all 20 movies correctly will win the cards.
For those still looking, OP did say "20 movies", so perhaps he's not looking for when it's in multiple movies?

So it may actually be something like the below:

1. Kindergarten Cop
2. Back to the Future
3. Rocky IV
4. Beverly Hills Cop
5. Top Gun
6. Karate Kid
7. Better Off Dead
8. Star Wars (The Original 1st One)
9. Weird Science
10. Some Kind of Wonderful
11. Caddyshack
12. Back to School
13. Home Alone 1
14. Bad News Bears
15. The Breakfast Club
16. Ferris Bueller's Day Off
17. Rounders
18. Fast Times at Ridgemont High
19. Goodfellas
20. Revenge of the Nerds (1)
Boy I screwed up. I should of thought this through instead of just posting this. I wasn't clear on some rules I didn't think of at the time.

Let me try to figure out the mess with the Rocky IV and V issue. I'm going to Research this. I may have a solution for this if he says it in Rocky V.

Also @partypoker you have one answer that is still wrong. Hint is it doesn't take two.

No entries from any other people at this time.
We would figure out how make a simple quiz complicated haha. I did have down BHC 2 and its in the first one. Nice quiz though, it managed to take my mind off work for an afternoon....

1. Kindergarten cop
2. Back to the future
3. Rocky 4
4. Beverly hills cop
5. Top Gun
6. Karate Kid
7. Better off Dead
8. Star wars 4
9. Weird Science
10. Some kind of wonderful
11. Caddyshack
12. Back to School
13. Home Alone
14. Bad news Bears
15. the breakfast club
16. Ferris Bueller's day off
17. Rounders
18. Fast Times at Ridgemont High
19. Goodfellas
20. Revenge of the nerds 1 and 2
Ok I just watched the Flashback Scene in Rocky V where Rocky is Fighting Tommy Gun. Ivan Drago does appear in it and says "If He Dies, He Dies." in the scene. So @GianThaMan is correct he will get a deck of the Jumbo Hold 'Em Cards.

I am feeling Generous also and will send @partypoker a deck of the same cards also. Just for his effort.

I'll send both the deck sets out in white single Tuckboxes I have. Please both of you PM me your addresses. I needed to keep the two deck boxes these cards originally came in.
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