Greetings from Austria (1 Viewer)


New Member
Sep 3, 2024
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Hi there,
greetings from beautiful Austria :love:

Sorry for my english, it´s more rusty than I thougt it is.... o_O

I`m FluxGenesis, short Flux and I`m reading here and watching pokerchip-Designs since half a year or so....

Soon, I will become 40 and I´m going to fulfil one of my dreams:
a massive 2.500 pieces stack of completely individual pro-designed ceramic pokerchips + plaques with my "signature-move" on it.
They will be my absolute lifetime-solution, my last chips I want to invest in.

Want to play them in my homegames, but I´m also into organize poker-tournament up to 100 players and just need a decent amount of chips
The Plaques will only be for DeepStack-Tournaments, I love them for the WOW-Effect.

I hired a professional Designer (lucky for me and my wallet: a friend ofmine) to design them together.
We are done so far, after weeks of developing and brainstorming...

Today I ordered a Sample (1x each chip and plaque) from my longtime-pokershop of trust. Hope to get it very soon and be amazed.

Dont know, if its ok to post the sujets here

so TLDR: hi to all, im Flux :cool
Austria? Well then....

Ok, here we go with my design.
I think we are completly done and we will not change a thing anymore.
I'm just waiting for some fresh printed samples in my hands to see it in original, with my own eyes and not on screen or an animation of it.

I will order some plaques, too, for late game and/or some Deepstack Tournaments.
The 250k - Plaque is pure gold with navy. The 100k Plaque the absolute Negative of it, Navy and pure gold.
I really love them and the idea, having some 250k - Plaques stacked, looking like litte gold bars.

I've got the original sujets for the chips and with those Im able to order the exact same chips in a few years, if needed.

I wanted to design them absolute timeless. Want to like them now, in 10 years and 20 years.
They will be my last sort of chips for life :D


Never mind, I saw you want 100 player tournament set. You will probably need closer to 4000 chips if you play with 200BB starting stacks.
Plz correct me if im wrong, im not very experienced with organzing for 100 players - im very happy for feedback!!
I calculated with an excel sheet, and i came up to 2.500 Chips for at least 100 BuyIns with 100BB.
So I calculated 100 BuyIns + 50% with Rebuys and/or Addons.
My thought were, the Rebuys will be without 100+500, just 1.000+ chips.

With some additional chips Im gonna be prepared for some lost, stolen, damaged chips for the next few years.


What do you think?

Yours Flux
ok, there was a bug in the excelsheet, i calculated with 0,5 not 1 25k-Chip for each player.

could not edit the post anymore, did that already :LOL: :laugh:


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