Guns you own (3 Viewers)

I have:

Sig p226
Sig p320 subcompact - my CCW
S&W brand AR-15
Remington 887 12 gauge
Mosin-Nagant M91/30

I used to have a S&W M&P 9c as my CCW, but I couldn't stand the trigger so I ended up selling it.

I've never shot a 1911 but it seems to be a very popular handgun. I read an article yesterday saying that surplus 1911s are approved to be sold through the CMP next year. I may try to pick one of those up along with an M1 Garand or two.

Also, I'll be looking for a .22lr rifle to purchase at some point. Something fun to shoot where I won't be breaking the bank with ammo purchases. HK makes an MP5 replica that shoots .22lr. That stands out the most to me right now. Anyone else have a fun shooting .22 I could research more?
I have:

Sig p226
Sig p320 subcompact - my CCW
S&W brand AR-15
Remington 887 12 gauge
Mosin-Nagant M91/30

I used to have a S&W M&P 9c as my CCW, but I couldn't stand the trigger so I ended up selling it.

I've never shot a 1911 but it seems to be a very popular handgun. I read an article yesterday saying that surplus 1911s are approved to be sold through the CMP next year. I may try to pick one of those up along with an M1 Garand or two.

Also, I'll be looking for a .22lr rifle to purchase at some point. Something fun to shoot where I won't be breaking the bank with ammo purchases. HK makes an MP5 replica that shoots .22lr. That stands out the most to me right now. Anyone else have a fun shooting .22 I could research more?

Ruger 10/22 is the most popular. Highly customizable. There are while forums dedicated to it. I have the breakdown model which I love. Comes apart in a second to be able to put in a backback. Then can be put back together just as quick.
My baby...
HK 416.



Which is actually nothing more than a .177 semi-auto/6 round burst pellet rifle..:LOL: :laugh: but boat loads of fun at any rate! It even made my neighbor nervous one day. :ROFL: :ROFLMAO:
Also, I'll be looking for a .22lr rifle to purchase at some point. Something fun to shoot where I won't be breaking the bank with ammo purchases.

Seems the most popular would be the Ruger 10/22. But if you’re looking for a 22 that functions like an AR, the S&W MP 15-22 is a solid contender. It has the same nomenclature as a .223 version and retails anywhere from $250-450 (depending on the model). The one I pictured earlier was the most expensive version at the time I purchased it. Magpul stock, sights, and foregrip. I added the optics

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I love these conversations because they are so far from my experience.

In Oz its rare that you even know someone who owns a gun. I have a mate in the Pistol club but that's pretty rare to know someone with a pistol license. the rules to owning a pistol is a you have to be a member of a gun club you have to attend a gun safety course, you have to be sponsored by a member before you can apply for a license. when you apply for a license you have to have a police background check. have no prior mental health issues etc. Then you need to have an approval to purchase a firearm. then and only then you can go looking for a pistol. Only the pistol listed on the approval. then there is a 3 month wait whilst the background check is done. then you can pick up the pistol. if you see a pistol you like you have to apply for a noter permission to acquire and redo the process again.

Now lets look into the restrictions once yo actually purchase the pistol. You need a back to basde alarm in your house. You need a safe where you store the ammo separaqtely to the pistol. you need a police inspection of your house, safe and alarm before you bring the firearm into your house. Then the cops at any reasonable time can rock up to your door to check that your pistol is secured under the rules.

transporting your pistol

you can only be in possession of the firearm when its in a locked container. that locked container needs to be locked to the car.
you can only transport the firearm from your house to the pistol range. You cant shoot it anywhere else.
you cannot leave the car unattended whilst transporting the firearm.
If the firearm leaves the state both police departments must be informed.

ahhh i think that's about it.

Similar rules for rifles. only that you can hunt with rifles but only on a farm where you have written permission. im not sure if you have to register that permission with the cops. and you can only get a bolt or lever action rifle. no semi, full auto or pumps. same for shotguns.

lastly any replica rifle is under the same rules as a real gun. if you hold up a store with a replica you will be prosecuted as tho it was real.

and the laws here are really strict.

thats about it.
Holy crap. Want me to just send you one? I have a couple of extra barrels.... ;)
Let's see, I currently have

Sig 226 ( first gun I owned and still my favorite )
Glock 19 ( my carry firearm, when I do carry )
Ruger LC9
S&W 626+

AR-15 ( I built, started with a Stag Arms stripped lower )
Remington 870 shotgun

on my wish list

FNX 45-Tactical w/ supressor (y) :thumbsup:
I love these conversations because they are so far from my experience.

transporting your pistol

you can only be in possession of the firearm when its in a locked container. that locked container needs to be locked to the car.
you can only transport the firearm from your house to the pistol range. You cant shoot it anywhere else.
you cannot leave the car unattended whilst transporting the firearm.
If the firearm leaves the state both police departments must be informed.

California has similar transportation laws and we are pretty restricted in what we can buy. There is a state "approved" handgun roster, which is really just a money grab by the state. We aren't supposed to own AR15, but you can build them California compliant, but still nowhere near the restrictions of Australia or Japan. Shotguns and rifles other than "assault rifles" are pretty much left alone. We also have a bogus handgun safety card we need to renew every 5 years for $25, which is the worlds easiest test.
I don't believe in owning firearms. My kids learn to use them in scouts, but only by trained and licensed staff.

whether you consider it political or not, I don't understand the need for any person to own an automatic rifle. Sure they may be "fun", but that is not their intent.
I don't believe in owning firearms. My kids learn to use them in scouts, but only by trained and licensed staff.

whether you consider it political or not, I don't understand the need for any person to own an automatic rifle. Sure they may be "fun", but that is not their intent.

Everyone is entitled to their own beliefs, but automatic rifles have been illegal in the United States since 1986
1847 Colt Walker (Uberti)


I don't own guns.
I don't talk about guns.
I don't talk to people who talk about guns, so I don't know anybody who owns them either.

Nope. No, sir.

Sounds like this thread is not for you then. :cool:

whether you consider it political or not, I don't understand the need for any person to own an automatic rifle. Sure they may be "fun", but that is not their intent.

Great... thank you for that tidbit. The gun control/politics thread is in the political section.
1847 Colt Walker (Uberti)

I love single action revolvers. I think an Uberti El Patron in .357 will be my next purchase. I have thinking about trying my hand at cowboy shooting, but apparently need to register a "cowboy name" and get era appropriate attire
Suppressors are illegal in Massachusetts, so I just kind of figured they were illegal everywhere. A little googling says definitely not. Silly me. Silly Massachusetts.

We in the US are actually behind other countries when it come to suppressors. In most of Europe they are used for hunting for noise pollution control.

Also most people think they were made illegal because of the Mob, but that’s not true. They became regulated by the ATF because of poaching.
Its amazing how a thread like this one can stay civil when the trouble makers and trolls aren't around.

I am not sure if I should be offended by this comment, since I posted my opinion. I usually mark my threads read quite often, especially when I don't look for a while. it was at the top of my list today when I logged in. I have never noticed this thread before, or I probably would have posted my comment before today., If you consider me a troll or trouble maker, well, that would be a first for me.
I gotta say, for all the hurt feelings and insensitivities that drove the political discussions to a sub forum, this thread seems a bit incendiary

I’d also note that alcohol and tobacco affect vastly more people than guns. And those topics have stickied threads dedicated to them that contain very little trolling (or angst).

This is a thread for responsible gun owners to discuss/show off/etc.. as Tommy has stated, there are people passionate about the debate, AND there is a section for that debate to occur.

Any posts trying to steer his thread into a gun control debate will be deleted and the posters will likely be directed to debate in the politics section.
Sounds like this thread is not for you then. :cool:
Oh no, I'll still watch. Years ago I might have even owned some guns, but ever since that fateful day on Lake Erie 15 miles out where thousands of dollars of machined parts and tools fell overboard it's been a life of abstinence for me.

Wait. Who am I kidding? The NFA paperwork has my home address splashed all over each form. Drats, so much for that plan.

But in all seriousness knowing nothing about firearms has served me very well in private employment (my main source of income). I've seen all sorts of bad things happen to guys who don't know when to keep their hobbies quiet.
Anyone shoot a 500 Magnum? Not a gun I want to own but would love to shoot it.
During one of our qualifications one of the RSOs brought his Taurus .454 that he uses to hunt boar. It was definitely a one and done for me. I'd imagine the 500 magnum would be similar.
During one of our qualifications one of the RSOs brought his Taurus .454 that he uses to hunt boar. It was definitely a one and done for me. I'd imagine the 500 magnum would be similar.

This. One of those guns that's great if a buddy owns it. It's a real hoot to try out, but not something I would want to shoot regularly. Plus the ammo cost adds up pretty quick.

But I know two guys with one and whenever we have a group at the range we always end up having a competition with it and it's a lot of fun. It's also a lot of fun to watch someone shoot one for the first time
I had a 454 before. Fun to shoot, but ended up selling it due to not really needing a hand cannon. Your hand would hurt after a few shots just from the shock from each shot.
Not sure what the chart says. But my super hot defense load in my small Sig P290 is hard to shoot more than a few mags before I’m moving onto a more “friendly” gun...

Here is that gun, shot by a neighbor using my “special” bullets.

CZ fanboy here. (edited to add internet pics of each)






Weirdly, no 75b, but it's #3 on my wish list right behind the Shadow2 and a Dan Wesson revolver. There's an excellent chance that if I ever see a deal on a P10c though, it jumps right up to the top of the list.
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Seems the most popular would be the Ruger 10/22. But if you’re looking for a 22 that functions like an AR, the S&W MP 15-22 is a solid contender. It has the same nomenclature as a .223 version and retails anywhere from $250-450 (depending on the model). The one I pictured earlier was the most expensive version at the time I purchased it. Magpul stock, sights, and foregrip. I added the optics

View attachment 135554

Best part about these is that you can try out mods to the AR15 at a much cheaper ammo cost. Red dots, foregrips, sights, BAD lever, grips, rails, whatever you want. You can put it on the .22 version and get a feel for it much cheaper than shelling out for .223/5.56 ammo.

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