Guns you own (3 Viewers)

Looks like a legit Walther 380 to me. Not sure why the suppressor would be fake either . Some guys have them on airguns, etc., but my hunch is that these are in fact real. Legal to own in many jurisdictions.
I think the reference is whether or not it is actually a real gun or a render. TBH I'm leaning toward render.

Edit. I'm only saying that because I know @Ray-Col crazy ability.
I think the reference is whether or not it is actually a real gun or a render. TBH I'm leaning toward render.

Edit. I'm only saying that because I know @Ray-Col crazy ability.

Well, that and the fact that he says in a prior post, " I rendered a gun once, let me see if I can find the picture.." (Paraphrasing)

Found it. (Emphasis mine).

Impressive arsenal in this thread! Although Guns and Germany don't go very well together (despite the cute alliteration), I rendered a Walther PPK-L once :unsure::cool::whistle: :whistling:
my modest group, Browning Superposed and a couple of Citori's; a Beretta A391 Xtrema II and Benelli M1 for ducks and geese. A couple of Remington 700s (243 and 30/06), a Ruger 77 (260), a S&W 39 with a bit 'o custom work, and a Browning BuckMark. Just wish my chip collection was as nice!



Glock 17, 19, 26, 27 and 43.- Greatest guns ever invented. Gaston Glock was a genius and built the best combat handgun ever. The model numbers refer to his patent numbers. He had 16 other patents before he decided to engineer his first handgun (the Glock 17). I just read that this year alone he has applied for patents for the treatment of vaginitis and for the drying of wood chips.

I was a S&W armorer before I became a Glock Armorer. Smith's need a file and brass hammer for every fix. Glock's need, well nothing, cuz they never malfunction.
my modest group, Browning Superposed and a couple of Citori's; a Beretta A391 Xtrema II and Benelli M1 for ducks and geese. A couple of Remington 700s (243 and 30/06), a Ruger 77 (260), a S&W 39 with a bit 'o custom work, and a Browning BuckMark. Just wish my chip collection was as nice!

Not enough shotguns.
Uh...sweet 16 anyone?

My friend has a mint Browning 20 gauge that is stamped sweet 16.
No .410 or 10 gauge lurking out of site, just an 11/87 that my dad will pick up on January.

He does have a 16 gauge Citori I'm dying to get my hands on. Unfortunately it's his favorite bird gun!
Glock 17, 19, 26, 27 and 43.- Greatest guns ever invented. Gaston Glock was a genius and built the best combat handgun ever.

I was a S&W armorer before I became a Glock Armorer. Smith's need a file and brass hammer for every fix. Glock's need, well nothing, cuz they never malfunction.

I know lots of people that would argue this all day long (and twice on Sunday).
No .410 or 10 gauge lurking out of site, just an 11/87 that my dad will pick up on January.

He does have a 16 gauge Citori I'm dying to get my hands on. Unfortunately it's his favorite bird gun!

I'm missing a 16 and the elusive 28 gauge from my collection.

I shot an 11/87 for almost 20 years. I swear I still shoot that gun better than my A400, but I beat the 11/87 to hell in the duck blind. Blued steel and walnut arn't the best choice for a waterfowl gun, but when you're young and it's all you got...
I went on a break barrel single shot spree for a good while.

Had the common shot gun calibers including the 16 and 28, never had the 10 gauge though.

Even had a 32 gauge/tranquilizer gun at one point. Never bought the set up for the darts and eventually sold it to a collector friend. That would have been fun though.

I have a threaded 357 single shot that I run my suppressors on. 38 specials are the way to go (subsonic).

One day I plan to thread my 45 colt barrel as well.
I know lots of people that would argue this all day long (and twice on Sunday).

Yeah. Glock’s weakness (every gun has one) is unintenional firing when no finger touches the trigger. I have a Glock and like it just fine, but it’s hard to go wrong with a competent shooter carrying a 1911.

I began an NRA self defense course with a Sig. loved the gun, but guys kept saying try a 1911. Oh...ok. I’ve been hooked on 1911s and CZs ever since. Nothing wrong with the “vintage” S&W 3900 series either!
Yeah. Glock’s weakness (every gun has one) is unintenional firing when no finger touches the trigger. I have a Glock and like it just fine, but it’s hard to go wrong with a competent shooter carrying a 1911.

I began an NRA self defense course with a Sig. loved the gun, but guys kept saying try a 1911. Oh...ok. I’ve been hooked on 1911s and CZs ever since. Nothing wrong with the “vintage” S&W 3900 series either!

Glocks have no external safeties and that's how people like them (and really most handguns..). During my time working at a lgs and even before then, I've shot my fair share of glocks. For the money, they're great guns. Very dependable. On a "personal" level, I don't care for them (how they feel in the hand etc..). Not my thing...

I used to be a 1911 guy. Carried a springfield lw champion for the longest time. Only issue I ever had with it was a guide rod breaking during a range trip. Quite the experience. :eek:
Traded my last 1911 off (colt combat commander) to fund my sig.

Probably so from a shooter standpoint but not likely from those whose lives depend on it. ;)

I've seen several have issues (ftf's, fte's etc..). All minor by comparison I'm sure.
It does happen...
Glocks have no external safeties and that's how people like them (and really most handguns..). During my time working at a lgs and even before then, I've shot my fair share of glocks. For the money, they're great guns. Very dependable. On a "personal" level, I don't care for them (how they feel in the hand etc..). Not my thing...

I used to be a 1911 guy. Carried a springfield lw champion for the longest time. Only issue I ever had with it was a guide rod breaking during a range trip. Quite the experience. :eek:
Traded my last 1911 off (colt combat commander) to fund my sig.

I've seen several have issues (ftf's, fte's etc..). All minor by comparison I'm sure.
It does happen...

I miss my Sig sometimes and might have one in my future. The 3900 series of S&W is my EDC for now.

No external safeties, such as Glock, is fine. I recall reading that police chief, with two unintentional fires to his credit, one of those occurred when he was holstering the gun in a social setting. He caught the drawstring on his vest, around waste level. Now, that’s also a technique/equipment issue, but ouch!
Yeah. Glock’s weakness (every gun has one) is unintenional firing when no finger touches the trigger.!

Where did you hear/read/experience this? Can you provide the evidence/case for a Glock going off when there's no finger on the trigger? Very curious. Thanks.

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