Canceled Harvesting services (1 Viewer)

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I put my post up under the general forum.
Go check it out and let me know what you think.
Most of the chips that I harvested have already been sold and packaged ready to ship out tomorrow.

I do still have four racks of brand new Excalibur $1’s.
One rack of UNCIRCULATED Mandalay Bay $1’s!!!
One barrel of very nice Mandalay bay fives.
A little over a barrel of large inlay Mandalay Bay $1’s.
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One thing I would add to your selection criteria, especially referring to the Ventetian selection.

There are varying degrees of pickiness among us, but dirt/frime/grit/hooker juice should be looked past. Chips are easy to clean these days, especially white chips (yes white chips - they don't bleed color!). Oxyclean and ultrasonic methods have vastly shortened the cleaning time of dirty chips and flea bites and spinners are the real killers.

Again, I am of one opinion, but I'd say you threw back a lot of nice fish at the Venetian!
One thing I would add to your selection criteria, especially referring to the Ventetian selection.

There are varying degrees of pickiness among us, but dirt/frime/grit/hooker juice should be looked past. Chips are easy to clean these days, especially white chips (yes white chips - they don't bleed color!). Oxyclean and ultrasonic methods have vastly shortened the cleaning time of dirty chips and flea bites and spinners are the real killers.

Again, I am of one opinion, but I'd say you threw back a lot of nice fish at the Venetian!
I agree with you on this... to a degree.
I was VERY picky. Could I have brought home 800 Venetian with tiny flea bites?
Sure. However, I wasn’t drunk enough to do that! Only the best came home. 10 chips got forgotten in my backpack. These are indicative of what I threw back and didn’t keep..

After seeing the Mandalay chips compared to the Venetian I am thoroughly convinced that Mandalay had a recent influx of new stock for the $1’s. The fives were a nightmare to harvest. I only got one barrel because I did not have a pre sale ligned up and they took forever just to get a barrel.
I have also determined that harvesting RHC chips SUCKS!!!!!! Everything has a flea bite due to the mold’s inferior design. I had to go through 30 racks to get two good ones for my relabeled Crystal Park Quarters.
I agree with you on this... to a degree.
I was VERY picky. Could I have brought home 800 Venetian with tiny flea bites?
Sure. However, I wasn’t drunk enough to do that! Only the best came home. 10 chips got forgotten in my backpack. These are indicative of what I threw back and didn’t keep..
View attachment 175059

After seeing the Mandalay chips compared to the Venetian I am thoroughly convinced that Mandalay had a recent influx of new stock for the $1’s. The fives were a nightmare to harvest. I only got one barrel because I did not have a pre sale ligned up and they took forever just to get a barrel.
I have also determined that harvesting RHC chips SUCKS!!!!!! Everything has a flea bite due to the mold’s inferior design. I had to go through 30 racks to get two good ones for my relabeled Crystal Park Quarters.
Hence why most greatly prefer THC to RHC.
Up to a barrel of the “full size” inlay 1’s. Any interest?

I have 11 of the large inlay and 89 of the smaller in my rack. I’m interested in the large inlay chips if you find them! Was debating harvesting them on my next trip, but since you are there....
I am home now. Here are the large inlays I got. Picked through dozens of racks find these. All told I found 28.
I put these next to a barrel of GEM mint for comparison.
Send me a PM to discuss a possible sale.
So far I have sold most of my haul.
I do still have some chips left and am taking offers in PM.

4 racks brand new Excalibur $1’s
1 rack uncirculated mandalay $1’s
1 rack very good MGM national Harbor 1’s
1 barrel VVGC mandalay $5’s
EVERYTHING else is sold.
I am also up for trades!
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