Hello everyone (2 Viewers)


But it would be good to be that age again.

Man, you are telling me, I would give up almost everything I have in this life just to be able to hug the people I can't anymore that I could at that time...not to mention the biggest problem/stress in my life being how we were going to get the girls Boones for the night and make sure everybody sets their alarms so we can still get to practice in the morning.

Oh, and sorry @redwine , a lot of us are real good at derailing threads, I'm an expert, so even though we are now talking about Boones Farm and high school and I sound like an eighty year old man we still welcome you!!! ;)
Wine tastes virtually the same out of a box or out of an "expensive" labeled bottle....

Right, which is why up-to-date wine bars with beer-like nitrogen-filled delivery systems often receive their wines in boxes (with plastic bags inside, of course).

....it's 99% about getting a buzz.

Well, maybe to the high school, college, and deplorable crowd. :rolleyes:

Edit to add: Wine tastes virtually the same out of a box or out of an "expensive" labeled bottle, it's 99% about getting a buzz. ;) I am actually hoping he is a Boones Farm con-a-sewer, it would bring memories back of hotel room parties in highschool. Bud Ice, Red Dog, Boones, Monarch Vodka, and someone who was 18 to rent the hotel room always seemed like a good idea. :D
Fake news!

This statement is equally as true as there is no difference between mint Paulsons and dice chips.
Right, which is why up-to-date wine bars with beer-like nitrogen-filled delivery systems often receive their wines in boxes (with plastic bags inside, of course).

Well, maybe to the high school, college, and deplorable crowd. :rolleyes:

I definitely agree with you that high school or college people drinking wine are more than likely appreciating the buzz more than the taste, and since you live in Florida I'll defer to you for expertise on the "deplorable" crowd since I don't have much history with your peers, but yeah, I would assume a big part of the allure of wine to most people is the fact there is alcohol in it. Not much is made of the gourmet grape juice industry, it's only after it's became alcohol does it become classy, weird I know. Also, I wasn't necessarily referring to the actual vessel the wine comes in when I said a boxed wine vs. an expensive bottle (but you knew that), more so that the quality/taste isn't easily differentiated between a bottle of Three Buck Chuck and a Harlan Estate or something in the modern times we live in.

Fake news!

This statement is equally as true as there is no difference between mint Paulsons and dice chips.

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:D ;)

Look, you particular wine people might have the greatest taste buds, huge taste buds, the hugest, they know, they know you have the hugest...but a ton of different studies and experiments would say otherwise. I would link them but we all have google so just check it out. Not only can the "experienced" "experts" in the studies many times not tell the difference between a cheap red and a very expensive red, but often they do other more baffling things like rate the same wine out of different bottles at different levels of quality/enjoyment all the way up to reviewing the qualities of a red wine and breaking it down in red wine terms only to be told they were drinking a white wine that was colored red. It's been done many different ways, from coloring agents to different bottles to same wine different temperature, hell even some vineyards admit to the "chance" aspect of getting a coveted rating that turns a $10 bottle into a $250 bottle, it's fuzzy math at best.

I don't begrudge anybody who drinks wine, I used to drink it and enjoy it, still probably could, but in reality it's just another drink with alcohol in it that humans have learned to "enjoy". But go ahead and talk about hints of vanilla with oak leaves flavored with the tears of a dove who once sat on it's branches while you're getting classy smashed, I support your wine love 100%! I'm no wine-a-phobe!
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I rarely to never drink wine to intoxication. I honestly enjoy the taste. Some is better than others, and while price is not a 100% indicator of quality, it's a good first step.

Same thing goes for whisky, vodka, and any cordial. If I wanted a buzz with no preference for flavor, I'd drink Pabst, Schlitz, Blatz, or any other cheap beer that I can order another round while vomiting.
I definitely agree with you that high school or college people drinking wine are more than likely appreciating the buzz more than the taste, and since you live in Florida I'll defer to you for expertise on the "deplorable" crowd since I don't have much history with your peers, but yeah, I would assume a big part of the allure of wine to most people is the fact there is alcohol in it. Not much is made of the gourmet grape juice industry, it's only after it's became alcohol does it become classy, weird I know. Also, I wasn't necessarily referring to the actual vessel the wine comes in when I said a boxed wine vs. an expensive bottle (but you knew that), more so that the quality/taste isn't easily differentiated between a bottle of Three Buck Chuck and a Harlan Estate or something in the modern times we live in.

View attachment 87855

:D ;)

Look, you particular wine people might have the greatest taste buds, huge taste buds, the hugest, they know, they know you have the hugest...but a ton of different studies and experiments would say otherwise. I would link them but we all have google so just check it out. Not only can the "experienced" "experts" in the studies many times not tell the difference between a cheap red and a very expensive red, but often they do other more baffling things like rate the same wine out of different bottles at different levels of quality/enjoyment all the way up to reviewing the qualities of a red wine and breaking it down in red wine terms only to be told they were drinking a white wine that was colored red. It's been done many different ways, from coloring agents to different bottles to same wine different temperature, hell even some vineyards admit to the "chance" aspect of getting a coveted rating that turns a $10 bottle into a $250 bottle, it's fuzzy math at best.

I don't begrudge anybody who drinks wine, I used to drink it and enjoy it, still probably could, but in reality it's just another drink with alcohol in it that humans have learned to "enjoy". But go ahead and talk about hints of vanilla with oak leaves flavored with the tears of a dove who once sat on it's branches while you're getting classy smashed, I support your wine love 100%! I'm no wine-a-phobe!
Sorry but you are incorrect sir. An uneducated palat maybe but someone who know wine? Not true. I've stood up to that taste test myself..and won. Cheaper wines are astringent and less balanced and there is absolutely a difference. I am afraid you are speaking from a pedestal of ignorance. Hell I knew a guy that could identify region, age, and varietal by smell alone. Stating there is no difference is categorically false. I know it, you know it, hell even the zombies know it.
I rarely to never drink wine to intoxication. I honestly enjoy the taste. Some is better than others, and while price is not a 100% indicator of quality, it's a good first step.

Same thing goes for whisky, vodka, and any cordial. If I wanted a buzz with no preference for flavor, I'd drink Pabst, Schlitz, Blatz, or any other cheap beer that I can order another round while vomiting.

If you are saying you rarely get "drunk" when you drink wine I would say I 100% believe you, that's not what I am talking about when I say people appreciate the alcohol content of wine when they are drinking it. Sure, plenty of people get drunk off wine, but just like you pointed out people get drunk on Bud Light so that's going to be a constant and not the tone of my statement. If however you are trying to say that when you drink wine you feel nothing I would not quite know what to say to that. I mean, if you drink one glass of wine over two hours okay, but I don't and not too many people I know drink like that, more likely it's two or three glasses with a meal, right? (again, talking the average person consuming wine) So if that's the quanity of wine we are talking about then I would have to say the vast majority of people are going to feel something off two or three glasses of wine. I'm a bigger dude with plenty of fat on me (especially these days) who has drank plenty of alcohol, from cheap to expensive and from a lot to a little, and by the time I'm about finished up with my second glass I'm feeling real warm. Come on, are we really going to argue that "social lubrication" is or isn't a thing? I've definitely got my favorite Scotch, so I understand what you are saying, but NO ONE learns to drink Scotch, and therefore have an appreciation for it, for hydration or taste reasons alone. If Scotch had no alcohol in it would you drink it? And if you want to try to say you would, would you have learned to drink it in the first place if it had no alcohol?

Sorry but you are incorrect sir. An uneducated palat maybe but someone who know wine? Not true. I've stood up to that taste test myself..and won. Cheaper wines are astringent and less balanced and there is absolutely a difference. I am afraid you are speaking from a pedestal of ignorance. Hell I knew a guy that could identify region, age, and varietal by smell alone. Stating there is no difference is categorically false. I know it, you know it, hell even the zombies know it.

Sarcasm is sometimes hard to detect on the net and I like to fuck around so sorry if I came across as my sincere thought being "everything considered a wine tastes the same", that's definitely not my intended point. I fully recognize wines can vary, but I also realize taste is incredibly subjective and will vary widely. When I was "into" wine for a bit I sometimes felt stupid because I couldn't taste toooooo much of a difference between some of the nice wines I was getting to drink (I've had some nice stuff many times), I worried about things like "an uneducated palate" and stuff like that and couldn't figure out why everybody else tasted things I didn't, or at the very least tasted at different times with different wines. I did some research and talked to people and figured out a few things; 1. A lot of people are just full of shit in what they are saying, and 2. Because of advances in everything from shared knowledge to equipment to techniques it has made it the reality now for a while that "cheap" wines can very easily be "good" wines. I came away with the understanding that in our modern times the average quality of a $10 bottle of wine is miles and miles ahead of what a comparatively priced bottle would be in times past. And, for a LOT of people, there isn't too much difference to your mouth between a cheap but well done wine and a coveted bottle from a specific vineyard after a specific growing season.

Your buddy that could identify things based on smell alone is impressive, I have no reason to doubt it, but I will still have to point to my own experiences (with a mid-major university level palate back in the day, not expert level ;) ) and many studies saying otherwise.

I joked about the thread derail but now we've definitely taken this pretty far off track for a welcome thread, told you I was an expert! I would love to continue debating but I think we should do it in another thread? Mo' better still, how about if we are ever at a table together, cards or dinner, we can try our own experiments. First bottle is on me, but that's probably a given since you know I'm going to choose something cheap. :D
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If you are saying you rarely get "drunk" when you drink wine I would say I 100% believe you, that's not what I am talking about when I say people appreciate the alcohol content of wine when they are drinking it. Sure, plenty of people get drunk off wine, but just like you pointed out people get drunk on Bud Light so that's going to be a constant and not the tone of my statement. If however you are trying to say that when you drink wine you feel nothing I would not quite know what to say to that. I mean, if you drink one glass of wine over two hours okay, but I don't and not too many people I know drink like that, more likely it's two or three glasses with a meal, right? (again, talking the average person consuming wine) So if that's the quanity of wine we are talking about then I would have to say the vast majority of people are going to feel something off two or three glasses of wine. I'm a bigger dude with plenty of fat on me (especially these days) who has drank plenty of alcohol, from cheap to expensive and from a lot to a little, and by the time I'm about finished up with my second glass I'm feeling real warm. Come on, are we really going to argue that "social lubrication" is or isn't a thing? I've definitely got my favorite Scotch, so I understand what you are saying, but NO ONE learns to drink Scotch, and therefore have an appreciation for it, for hydration or taste reasons alone. If Scotch had no alcohol in it would you drink it? And if you want to try to say you would, would you have learned to drink it in the first place if it had no alcohol?

Sarcasm is sometimes hard to detect on the net and I like to fuck around so sorry if I came across as my sincere thought being "everything considered a wine tastes the same", that's definitely not my intended point. I fully recognize wines can vary, but I also realize taste is incredibly subjective and will vary widely. When I was "into" wine for a bit I sometimes felt stupid because I couldn't taste toooooo much of a difference between some of the nice wines I was getting to drink (I've had some nice stuff many times), I worried about things like "an uneducated palate" and stuff like that and couldn't figure out why everybody else tasted things I didn't, or at the very least tasted at different times with different wines. I did some research and talked to people and figured out a few things; 1. A lot of people are just full of shit in what they are saying, and 2. Because of advances in everything from shared knowledge to equipment to techniques it has made it the reality now for a while that "cheap" wines can very easily be "good" wines. I came away with the understanding that in our modern times the average quality of a $10 bottle of wine is miles and miles ahead of what a comparatively priced bottle would be in times past. And, for a LOT of people, there isn't too much difference to your mouth between a cheap but well done wine and a coveted bottle from a specific vineyard after a specific growing season.

Your buddy that could identify things based on smell alone is impressive, I have no reason to doubt it, but I will still have to point to my own experiences (with a mid-major university level palate back in the day, not expert level ;) ) and many studies saying otherwise.

I joked about the thread derail but now we've definitely taken this pretty far off track for a welcome thread, told you I was an expert! I would love to continue debating but I think we should do it in another thread? Mo' better still, how about if we are ever at a table together, cards or dinner, we can try our own experiments. First bottle is on me, but that's probably a given since you know I'm going to choose something cheap. :D
No worries! I thought you were fooling that's why I included the I know it, you know it, and (EVEN!) the Zombies know it. :LOL: :laugh:
.... I would assume a big part of the allure of wine to most people is the fact there is alcohol in it.....

Look, nothing personal here -- but despite all your defensive bullshit (much of which I agree with, incidentally, e.g. studies of tasting ability), I think the above statement is flat wrong (although it might be true under the Freemont St. bridge).

People -- especially young people today -- looking for an alcohol buzz are much more likely to drink vodka than wine.

And especially for women (the more intelligent sex), the allure of wine is that there is *less* alcohol in it than what many of their peers are imbibing.
Look, nothing personal here -- but despite all your defensive bullshit (much of which I agree with, incidentally, e.g. studies of tasting ability), I think the above statement is flat wrong (although it might be true under the Freemont St. bridge).

People -- especially young people today -- looking for an alcohol buzz are much more likely to drink vodka than wine.

And especially for women (the more intelligent sex), the allure of wine is that there is *less* alcohol in it than what many of their peers are imbibing.

Lol k
Your buddy that could identify things based on smell alone is impressive, I have no reason to doubt it, but I will still have to point to my own experiences (with a mid-major university level palate back in the day, not expert level ;) ) and many studies saying otherwise.

I'll do better, and offer up 10-1 odds at a meet-up (up to $1000) that I can, in fact, tell the difference between a ~$10 Sauvignon Blanc dyed red and a ~$25 Cabernet Sauvignon, even though the "studies" you posted indicate otherwise.

S@P is right around the corner. I can't help how bad I am at cards, but for once I might turn a profit. If you're so sure your studies are correct, 1 grand would easily pay for your airfare, room, and gambol. Also, be advised I am no expert. I'm a blue collar worker that likes wine for the taste. If it tasted the same without alcohol, I'd drink it at work every shift.

Stating there is no difference is categorically false. I know it, you know it, hell even the zombies know it.


... and finally @redwine , this kind of derail does happen from time to time around here, and yet, somehow, we are all pretty good friends when we meet.

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