Schmendr1ck has one of the greatest non-chip avatars of all time ever.
Nice, and thanks! Though after yesterday's gubernatorial election, I'd take the original version. I'm thinking hard about quitting my job, moving to a cardboard box in CT, grinding 1/2 limit at Foxwoods, and donking off any profits at bergs' circus games.
Not saying that I loved Charlie Crist, he has some significant flaws too. But to see Rick Scott demolish Florida for four years, then get rewarded with four more? It's a little sickening.believe me you're not alone. somehow i moved from georgia to new jersey and found myself in a less progressive district. my home county here (ocean) went for romney over obama, 58% to 40%.
Not saying that I loved Charlie Crist, he has some significant flaws too. But to see Rick Scott demolish Florida for four years, then get rewarded with four more? It's a little sickening.
The same applies here in CT. Malloy is a joke, but the best the GOP could put against him was Folly?
No 'New' Pharoah's Club Chips on the splash page?!?! Woot F'n woot!
but they're "true compression clay"!
Made me want to puke too.
Ironic, given the rabidity in properly distinguishing true compression clay everywhere else on the site.
Wait a minute, I don't need to pay you hundreds of dollars to have a picture on my profile?
I'm gonna keep my Par-a-Dice GB going over there, I think, but it is DEAD right now...
For the record, I probably shouldn't have joined a new site and immediately posted something political. That's the online equivalent of being invited to someone's home for the first time, walking in the house, and taking a big, wet dump in the foyer.
I blame the fact that yesterday was election day and I spent 15 hours as a first-time poll worker.
waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?????? where is that????
i just got over from the other place..thanks spike
hated my old name so screw it here is my new one, glad to see you clowns here:
Don't worry, the GB is alive and well. The obituary was for the blue site.Nooooooo!!!!!!
I'm in!!!
That makes more sense now.. welcome aboard!That was me, actually (the other Canuck...).
Is JM here? I saw his exasperated, apologetic post on the blue side that has since vanished.
Glad to be here, I have missed the humor and the glorious tales from the meat-ups
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Typo, or some phrase relevant to your locale? :