Hi Cori, we are all addicts....
Welcome... May your wallet be empty and your CHIP racks be full..
I was also Air Force. I was Canine Police from 87-92. I was stationed in Kunsan from summer of 90 to the summer of 91. I would have enjoyed it under different circumstances. I had to leave my wife and 9 month old daughter. You could say that I struggled with the way I handled the processing of leaving my family lol.
Had a great dog at Kunsan. 100 pnd solid black German Shepherd. A beautiful dog.
Do you currently own any chips? Even starter chips? If so, please post pictures of them. If not, are you actively looking for something? If so, post a budget, tourney/cash, ect.....and anywhere from 5-147 members will gladly help out
I was also Air Force. I was Canine Police from 87-92. I was stationed in Kunsan from summer of 90 to the summer of 91. I would have enjoyed it under different circumstances. I had to leave my wife and 9 month old daughter. You could say that I struggled with the way I handled the processing of leaving my family lol.
Had a great dog at Kunsan. 100 pnd solid black German Shepherd. A beautiful dog.
Bahhhh hahahahaah
great welcome
i, like you, had exactly the same problem when i got into this. now i have owned, bought and sold minty new paulsons
mmm chalky new paulsons
all it takes is time and money.
there is a sale coming soon for new paulsons from the chip room. beware what you wish for you just might get it!!!!
good luck sir!
Hahaha I know!If you wanted help with your chip addiction, you literally came to the worst website on the internet.
In the quest for a perfect chip set I came across this site. A few years ago I wanted a set of paulson but at the cost I could not afford it. Then when I could they were hard to find or triple the price. Here I sit now with a decent job out of the military, tons of samples later and the realization that there is no 1 perfect set. I have a problem and it's a chip addiction.