Help choosing a poker chip (2 Viewers)

I appreciate all the info guys. In that case I might as well look into different ceramic samples that I could get a full set of.

You could always have Sidepot make custom $1 chips to your specifications that match the others in the Venerati line. Stephan is very good to work with.

Oh so that means I still could get a full set of Veneratis with custom $100 and $1000 chips? I thought I had just simplified my decision with that being out of the picture haha.

I'm mainly looking for a nice tournament set. I see that holdempokerchips still has some T-mold blanks in stock. I'm thinking of getting some samples of those to see how I like them and if I do and there's still stock I could hot stamp or label them.

Also, if you're going to go CPC, definitely get some sample sets from others as they produce their customs so that you can see/feel different molds in person. They have different feels and sounds - the mold produces a surface texture that can vary, and the actual shape/pattern of the mold affects the tone/sound.

Oh I've got a couple sample sets on the way. Namely the Knollwood set and the Atlantic City hot stamp. Pretty excited about getting those in the mail! I already have samples of all the molds in blank form.
Who owns the Veneratis or manufactures them?
I was/is looking for tournament veneratis as well. They seem like a great chip for the price!
Dont know if it has been mentioned, but you could wait for the next run of the bosrdwalk group buy. You could get the boardwalk labels, or get custom labels for them. This also sounds like great bang for your bucks, assuming another gb happens.
I see that holdempokerchips still has some T-mold blanks in stock. I'm thinking of getting some samples of those to see how I like them and if I do and there's still stock I could hot stamp or label them.
Hot-stamp is an option, but no recess means no labels on T-molds (unless you pay to have them milled out).
We use veneratis in our cash game. They are awesome chips and im not sure but i think they are printed on sunfly chips. Sunfly makes awesome ceramics
im not sure but i think they are printed on sunfly chips
Me either, but they are definitely on par with Sun-Fly quality. The price point makes me think not, however. Stephan was never one to voluntarily take a loss on sales of his chips, and Sun-Fly prices have never been that low, even for large quantities. I suspect it's a Chinese manufacturer.
Venerati or Milanos would *probably* make a seriously kick-ass tournament set the price is reasonable and while they are no Paulsons, they are a bargain given the quality of the chip.

For cash sets? I basically snub anything lower quality than Nevada Jack.

My two sets are wicked spades (made by the same company that makes Nevada Jack) and Riverside Casino (Chipco used). if I get a third and final set? Honestly? I love Paulson chips but neither my Mom nor my friend Brittany like the Horseshoe Casino chip inlays. I will probably try for something like the Casino Aztar.

That is my advice to you. Venerati or Milanos (or Pharaoh or other good China Clay) for a tournament, go with "pro"/ ceramics or higher for cash.
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That is my advice to you. Venerati or Milanos (or Pharaoh or other good China Clay) for a tournament, go with "pro"/ ceramics or higher for cash.

I don't really like China Clays but I'm pretty sure I'll get samples of at least one ceramic chip. I suspect that in the end I'll want the cream of the crop. Doesn't mean I can't get a cheaper set in the meantime though.

The Huntington Park cash set I picked up will work pretty good. Most chips are definitely worn but they are Paulsons. When I first got them I thought every stack height was going to be different but at least each denom seems to be consistent. For now I might use it for smaller tourneys only until I get another set since I don't play cash games much.

Hot-stamp is an option, but no recess means no labels on T-molds (unless you pay to have them milled out).

I was leaning more towards hot-stamps anyways. Always nice to have more information though (y) :thumbsup:
Hello fellow poker chip experts! I am looking to buy a nice tournament set of poker chips and hoping someone could give me some advice. I have samples of china clays but I find they are too slippery. CPC samples I find sound weird (kind of cheap sounding? I don't know what it is but they just don't sound right to me. I have 10 chips of each of their molds). My Paulson samples are my favorite and I'm not sure if I'll be able to put together a solid set for relabeling purposes buying one or two colors at a time. I would probably pay up to $2 a chip if I really liked them, so if anyone has any suggestions I'm all ears. I basically know nothing about all the other types of chips I've seen talked about here. Also, having the option for multi table tournaments would be great.

Of course CPC would be the easiest way to get the colors and amounts I want I just don't think I could live with spending all that money and not like the sound of my chips.

Thanks everyone!

I'm not sure if it has been mentioned here because I didn't read all the posts, but I would SERIOUSLY consider a set of Samurai Palace chips if you can get your hands on them. I know my next comment will make a few (maybe most) of the people on here cringe, but I LOVE my Samurai chips as much as I do most of my Paulson or TR King sets. They stack a mile high, and they don't have the problem with warped or uneven chips that I have seen discussed for other BCC chips. They do however have problems with different shades, especially the blue 1s. However, that doesn't seem to bother any of my poker peeps. Just a thought :D

Fair enough.

I am the same way, at least as far as chips go. I can't even look at dice chips and think I want to play them anymore.

What I will say is Veneratis are a pretty good deal. ceramic chips that seem to be fairly well liked for 39c a chip.

The Nevada Jack family are pretty damn solid and run 65c -70c each. You can start customizing for about that price.

The Paulsons are going to be hands down the best casino chip but the price will correlate with that. what I will say honestly to you is if you are going to get a Paulson set, get a set you will absolutely love.

I have 3 factors into consideration: cost, aesthetics and of course personal preferences.

The Horseshoe chips personally wouldn't work. They look nice enough but everyone I know is lukewarm on the design.

When I go Paulson, I will probably end up with the Aztar chips or something along those lines. There is no shame in going lower as interim chips or as something you would enjoy. Most people in home games give acclaim to almost anything. when I showed Nevada Jack Saloon chips to one of my friends, she said you could feel the difference in quality, and the Wicked Spades she loved so much it made my decision pretty simple.

What I am reminded of however is a guy who posts on YouTube named Hobbyphiliac. he talks about chips and openly said (even before Paulson stopped selling to the public) that those chips are really pricey, at over $1.00 a chip. I would personally love to get a set of Le Paulson Noir, but at their prices it just isn't going to happen. :)
Oh ya, no question they are a deal. Seeing how I haven't felt any Nevada Jack chips maybe I'm in for several samples :)

My dice chips that I thought were at least partly clay when I bought them about 10 years ago are really starting to look bad. They're a bit better than all the chips my friends have (not quite as slippery) and almost everyone likes them, but I can't live with them anymore after seeing better quality chips.

If I had the money when sidepot was selling Le Noir chips I would have bought a bunch. Really nice but I like to think I'll be able to find something else I'll really like.

I'm not sure if it has been mentioned here because I didn't read all the posts, but I would SERIOUSLY consider a set of Samurai Palace chips if you can get your hands on them. I know my next comment will make a few (maybe most) of the people on here cringe, but I LOVE my Samurai chips as much as I do most of my Paulson or TR King sets. They stack a mile high, and they don't have the problem with warped or uneven chips that I have seen discussed for other BCC chips. They do however have problems with different shades, especially the blue 1s. However, that doesn't seem to bother any of my poker peeps. Just a thought :D

What happens if you successfully go all-in with one stack like that? :LOL: :laugh:

It doesn't seem like there is a playable set readily available. I don't think I'd want to mix solid T-molds with some of those even if the 100 and 500 denoms were the highest ones and the only ones with edge spots. It would also limit my ability to expand the set unless I went with denoms under 1 (tournament). Maybe cash, but those are some pretty high stakes so I don't think so.
Oh ya, no question they are a deal. Seeing how I haven't felt any Nevada Jack chips maybe I'm in for several samples :)

My dice chips that I thought were at least partly clay when I bought them about 10 years ago are really starting to look bad. They're a bit better than all the chips my friends have (not quite as slippery) and almost everyone likes them, but I can't live with them anymore after seeing better quality chips.

If I had the money when sidepot was selling Le Noir chips I would have bought a bunch.

Me too.

Get samples of the following:

Nevada Jack Saloon (I like the Skulls but the Saloon is a nicer design IMO. The numbers are easier to read).

Wicked Spades (I love these and if you have younger friends or ones into heavy metal, they will absolutely love these.)

Tiki Kings (a little cartoonish but they are fun)

Black Betty (you can't customize them but there is something to be said for a pirate girl in a corset).

Those are all good chips for about 65c each.
What happens if you successfully go all-in with one stack like that? :LOL: :laugh:

It doesn't seem like there is a playable set readily available. I don't think I'd want to mix solid T-molds with some of those even if the 100 and 500 denoms were the highest ones and the only ones with edge spots. It would also limit my ability to expand the set unless I went with denoms under 1 (tournament). Maybe cash, but those are some pretty high stakes so I don't think so.
LOL...yeah...that makes all ins exciting!!

Here's a starter set...although you'd probably need him to come down another $75 to $100 to be reasonable to you. Unfortunately the shipping cost would kill him. Maybe split the cost?ï-palace.16670/
LOL...yeah...that makes all ins exciting!!

Here's a starter set...although you'd probably need him to come down another $75 to $100 to be reasonable to you. Unfortunately the shipping cost would kill him. Maybe split the cost?ï-palace.16670/

Ah, well thanks for the link but I did already see that. I'd need samples first to be sure I like them. I know it will come down to my taste but how would you compare those chips to Paulsons and CPCs? Those are the two higher end samples that I have. I'm leaning more towards the T-mold blanks than the Samurai Palace seeing how I could probably make a bigger set with the blanks.
Ah, well thanks for the link but I did already see that. I'd need samples first to be sure I like them. I know it will come down to my taste but how would you compare those chips to Paulsons and CPCs? Those are the two higher end samples that I have. I'm leaning more towards the T-mold blanks than the Samurai Palace seeing how I could probably make a bigger set with the blanks.
I don't have CPCs, yet, but I have a ton of Paulson and TR Kings and I like the Samurais as much/or more than most of the sets I have. The only Paulsons I like more are my World TH&C set and my Avalon Clubs (mostly because of the color combos). I also like my TRK Deadwoods and Rounders more, but that's a whole different level. If you could get Samurais at the $1.25 to $1.50ish per chip price point, I would be hard pressed to find a chip that I would personally like more.

Just to give you an idea of my are the 19 different sets I play with when comparing to the Samurais. Everything from ceramics to high end TR Kings and Paulsons.

I don't have CPCs, yet, but I have a ton of Paulson and TR Kings and I like the Samurais as much/or more than most of the sets I have. The only Paulsons I like more are my World TH&C set and my Avalon Clubs (mostly because of the color combos). I also like my TRK Deadwoods and Rounders more, but that's a whole different level. If you could get Samurais at the $1.25 to $1.50ish per chip price point, I would be hard pressed to find a chip that I would personally like more.

Just to give you an idea of my are the 19 different sets I play with when comparing to the Samurais. Everything from ceramics to high end TR Kings and Paulsons.

Ah yes I think I've seen a couple of your pictures before! I'm thinking I might get to about 20-25% of that at most haha. Hopefully I can find some Samurai Palace or T-mold samples at a reasonable price. I was looking in the classifieds but maybe I'm better off just ordering a few through holdempokerchips.
Help choosing a Paulson poker chip:

My samples of WTHC, CDI, and Paulson classics were what made me decide I wanted Paulson chips in the first place. They stack very well, sounded a little different than any other chip I had at the time, and well are just nice. Recently, I have been buying hot-stamped solids from different people. I have found that my most recent acquisition are very slippery compared to the rest and sound quite different than my samples. I have some roulette hot-stamps that sound a lot more like my samples so I don't think I can blame the inlay for the change of sound. Can anyone help me figure out why the chips are so different? I can be more specific if needed, but would the age of the chips have anything to do with it? They are all THC chips.

I don't think I have the worst set of dice chips to compare them to, but I'd say they are as slippery as those :(. I'm hoping it's just this batch, because the MD-50 mold is looking like a better option to me right now.

@Seeking Alpha Social Club I just ordered a sample of TRK chips. Think I should just abandon all plans right now and wait till I get those? lol

Thanks everyone.
Lots of talk in this thread about how Chipco is out of business, but no mention of the fact that @GameOnChipCompany is in operation and uses methods and materials that are for all practical purposes identical to Chipco.

Reasonable people can disagree, but many believe Game On ceramics to be the best ceramic custom option available. Fully custom chips for .85 per chip with volume discount to .60 per chip when you order 2000 chips or more.
Pr0n or didn't happen.

It's always about the naked chips with you guys :ROFL: :ROFLMAO:

@BGinGA I just read one of your recent posts about the differences in Paulson chips and I have a question about one of my most recent acquisitions. But first, I must confirm lead/no lead:

-Par-a-dice casino roulette chips. Looking at the 1991 issue date seems to be telling me these are leaded chips.

-WTHC, CDI (most recent) and Paulson classic samples. As far as I know must be unleaded. A quick comparison tells me they sound and feel very much like the roulettes.

-Bonnie Damiano hot-stamped THC chips. Do you know anything about these? I have three different colors, two of the same denomination. Out of these two one of them sounds more like the Paulsons above; the other one, along with my second denomination sound different (as well as being much more slippery than I would have liked). All denominations look to be in very good shape but maybe it's possible that the more slippery ones have seen more use? Another guess of mine is that the slippery ones could be unleaded and the better one leaded. This doesn't make sense based on the information above however, so I'm asking you, as an inexperienced chipper for your help :)

Another thing: I just bought a bunch of brand new Starbursts, lots of them being warped. These Bonnie chips are not like that.

Thanks for your time.
Can anyone help me figure out why the chips are so different? I can be more specific if needed, but would the age of the chips have anything to do with it? They are all THC chips.
For starters, not all THC chips were produced by Paul-son. Early Top Hat & Cane versions were lead-free and sold by Christy & Jones (made by Burt Co. in Portland ME) prior to Paul-Son buying the mold. Burt Co. also made early THC chips for Paul-Son prior to them taking over and moving chip production in Las Vegas (and introducing their own material formulas)..

Bonnie Damiano hot-stamped THC chips. Do you know anything about these?
@ruskba posted some info on those chips here:

Sounds like the BD tournament in Aruba was in 2002, so it's very likely that some of those chips were produced using the older leaded formulas, while others were produced using the newer formulas as they were developed and introduced over time. Some color formulas changed more than once, so it's very possible that the chips you have are not all made with the same materials, or even the same materials currently in use today.

What are the colors/denoms of the three chips you have?

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What are the colors/denoms of the three chips you have?

$5 Plum (better one)
$5 Royal Red
$100 Charcoal

Not sure what to do with these now. If anyone's collecting these I guess I would sell them. If not... the only way I would use them is as bounty/seating chips or whatever other use that doesn't involve stacking many together. Still, I'd have way too many.
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-Bonnie Damiano hot-stamped THC chips

I have a couple hundred of these ... and they play very well. They were practically brand new (maybe a few chips had a small speck) and they are not slippery. I have the charcoal gray, sherbert green, and red. I relabeled them as part of my solid color THC Paulson micro cash set. If you can get a hold of more (and someone from France on here has a bunch), then they are worth it
I relabeled them as part of my solid color THC Paulson micro cash set.

Thanks for the input. My plan was to relabel these also. The only problem is I would be mixing these with other chips and I can't get over the difference in sounds. The plum ones I have are the only ones that sound similar to my other Paulsons.

they are not slippery.

Not intending to badmouth anyone else's chips, but my red chips are definitely very slippery. Maybe I'll use them as bounties. The plums stack nicely, and the charcoals fall in between (but closer to the plums).

When I get a proper scale I'll do some weighing and post the results. As of now, I'd say the reds are the lightest. Would love to compare them with yours.

Edit: I just realized that my plum chips are hot-stamped NCV $5 on both sides instead of one lol. No mention of Bonnie.

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