Full House
OK I'll Play too
I think the gray and the light blue are too close and could get mixed up in stacks, I have similar concerns with charcoal/black, dg pink/dg tiger (ask @MikesDad about his tourney set with this issue) and maybe lavender/dg tiger. Have you thought about a dg green base? Or maybe a dg yellow?
^ yeah, this for me, too. Did you consider dayglo green spots on the lavender?Like the lavender. Love the green.
^ yeah, this for me, too. Did you consider dayglo green spots on the lavender?
Can anybody think of any chips that have been made using DG green as a base color, that I could find some pics of? The only one in my entire 300+ chip ASM/CPC sample collection is @detroitdad's solid Sunset $25, which doesn't help me that much.
Edit: coming up empty on a search of the galleries and pr0n threads, too.
Can anybody think of any chips that have been made using DG green as a base color,
Samples?o, retro lav/DG pink is the pick
Ooof. Won’t be able to make that.There may be 4 or 5 sample sets available for pickup at SSSS II