I like simple to calculate point systems. Screw any system using decimals or requiring the use of square roots. I also strongly dislike any system that gives 19th more points than 20th. Really, what does it matter, when those players never even sat at the same table?
Our current point system is simple.
- FInish out of the money get 1 point.
- Winner gets 1 point for each player's buy-in and rebuy
- Second gets 70% (rounded to the nearest integer) of the 1st place score
- Third gets 60% (rounded to the nearest integer) of the 1st place score
- Fourth gets 50% (rounded to the nearest integer) of the 1st place score, provided 4th was a paid position.
- Fifth gets 40% (rounded to the nearest integer) of the 1st place score, provided 5th was a paid position.
- Sixth gets 30% (rounded to the nearest integer) of the 1st place score, provided 6th was a paid position.
This would be easy to modify to discourage rebuys by subtracting some amount for a rebuy, but I like to encourage "play" for our player of the year, so I would never deduct a point for rebuying.
This system also encourages playing to get in the money - the real goal of poker, right? I would hate to see a race at the end of the season where a player just folded into the championship slot by finishing 12th.
Our typical game has about 16 players,and 5 rebuys; 21 points for the win. The attendance/out of the money points only add up to a small fraction of the total score, but can make a difference.
We also host the occasional cash game. The top money earners earn points as if it were a tournament.