I'm sorry, but this is nonsense. The ChipRoom had an estimated 400k of these chips to sell. They imposed a 1750 chip limit per household on these so that everyone could have a fair shot at getting them at the well below market prices they were offering. They weren't offering them at discounted prices because they wanted to charitable, they did it because they too are a business and had 400k chips to move. That's just how it works. If they wanted to sell them at market prices, it would have taken them a decade to move them all.
I was on an island on the outskirts of Fiji with no electricity and no wifi when the auction went down. I brought backup batteries and got a mobile data plan with a shitty connection so I could tether my phone and laptop in an attempt to get my hands on a set of these. Fortunately, it worked out (at least somewhat). I wasn't able to get the high demand chips, but I got in my 1750 chip order. Everyone had a fair shot at these chips. None of us have any obligation to pass on our 1750 chip allocation to you at the discounted prices we paid for them just because YOU missed out. None of us elbowed you out of the sale. You could still buy chips from the ChipRoom for several hours after the sale launched.
If you missed out on the pre-sale, tough shit. You bullying another member for buying his allocation as an investment is bullshit. If you missed out and still wanted a set of these, you could have still gotten them from Apache shortly after the sale for only a minor increase in prices. I bought thousands from Josh and was happy to pay whatever he was asking.
Buying chips from The ChipRoom, Apache,
eBay, or any other 3rd party or vendor is 100% fair game for returning a profit on. I've never seen anyone here selling prior ChipRoom purchases at anywhere near the prices they got them for, and would never expect them to. I paid about a 500% markup over ChipRoom prices for my Grove chips, and was happy to pay it. I paid a shitload for my Wynn tourney set because Danny flipped them from Tommy, who flipped them from acl, who flipped them from
eBay. Then, I flipped half my set to pay for the ones I kept, and the buyers were more than happy to pay market prices for them.
You want some cheap chips? Here you go, plenty of options for you:
Bullying other members because you're butthurt over missing your opportunity when they didn't, just makes YOU look like an ass, not them.