Would love to know if any of the 4,400ish members here takes you seriously. Good night Fake, sleep it off.
I wish I was goot@ReallyGoodUsername you are not goot!
I offered to play @ReallyGoodUsername at any price but he declined.
@ReallyGoodUsername you are not goot! Chose your limit. I will own you!
Would love to know if any of the 4,400ish members here takes you seriously. Good night Fake, sleep it off.
Zero crap talked except for you making a baffoon of yourself which you will inevitably do again in your next post. Goodbye Fake, hope you learn to love yourself.Already said would play heads up from $1 to 10,000 with you. But you just like to talk shit. When you want to back up your words let me know. I am standing by.
@Tommy, I understand you don’t want to get involved in auction issues, but given how many problems have occurred in recent weeks and months, can we once and for all, for the integrity of this forum, ban auctions please. I think we have seen a better environment ever since raffles were banned and if you discontinue auctions, and sellers are forced to just list their chips for sales only, we will see another leap in user satisfaction. It really isn’t hard to ask sellers to take some time and try to appropriately price their chips and let the buyers decide in a straightforward fashion whether to participate in such sales activity.
your mouth is bigger than your ego. Any amount of money on any site let me know. I will meet you there. In fact lets let the whole chipping community know so they can watch. Name the venue and price.
A few comments from an until-recently outsider-
We should not all have our 'auction toy' taken away from us due to either genuine errors, or misremembrance of auction rules. It reminds me of 5th grade when the whole class was punished and had to copy 20 pages out of a geography book because one person was playing with a pencil, got carried away, and it went sailing across the room and no one ratted him out.
I feel the auctions here are AMAZING and very exciting even as a watcher.......paying attention to the recent BTP auctions was mindblowing, and the market price would, in my opinion, probably NEVER reached 9$-10$ a chip without an auction. This helps ALL OF US to determine what our clay MAY be worth to others.
I would be sad to see them go away. And I don't want to see 'For Sale' ads with crazy prices and ad nauseum price drops by those sellers (rightfully) trying to get what they feel their chips are worth without leaving hundreds on the table.
The bidding here and on eBay, although different in style, basically set the market price for most of the chip WORLD on the going rate for these pieces of clay.
It should be the bidder's responsibility here to know the rules of the auction.
This DOES bring into play 'illegal bids' (not meeting the minimum increment) and I think we ALL agree no one wants to see a 2000 item go in increments of 1$ which would be the simplest thing, but I'm sure we can come up with a solution that is better than "I'm taking my ball and going home."
I appreciate being heard. Thank you for your time.