Just wondering for those who bought cleveland primaries. How do you feel about the general average condition of your chips when they arrived? I have been looking for for a set either the cle or cins but am a little concerned with the condition of used primaries. I cant make out the pics too well so I figured I'll just ask for general feedback from those who do own them. How would they be for workhorse homegame chips? Can i expect them to give me a lifetime of unabusive usage? Any regrets (should have splashed out for secondaries instead)?
Thank you for your time.
Just wondering for those who bought cleveland primaries. How do you feel about the general average condition of your chips when they arrived? I have been looking for for a set either the cle or cins but am a little concerned with the condition of used primaries. I cant make out the pics too well so I figured I'll just ask for general feedback from those who do own them. How would they be for workhorse homegame chips? Can i expect them to give me a lifetime of unabusive usage? Any regrets (should have splashed out for secondaries instead)?
Thank you for your time.