I see this, except with high end chips:

Your reasoning above is flawed. You don't have to sell chips for a profit in order to enjoy high-end chips, you just have to be able to commit to the initial cash outlay. So long as you can sell them for close to what you paid, you are essentially renting the chips for free. There is no profit margin required at all.But by buying at a good price that I know I can sell for profit later, I get to enjoy, clean, and play with chips I would not ordinarily have.
$6.50/chip for a sample set was just a bit too much for me. That, and I knew time would be short and the competition cutthroat, so I focused on maxing out a secondary tourney set and some of the nicer primaries. I still missed out on the $5000 secondaries.
I would love to have a complete sample set, but it was more important for me to get the tourney sets and, ultimately, the price of the sample sets were just too high for me.
Kind of a pointless thread then. Enjoy them.
It's very situational. I very much agree w/what Dave said - I hate the parasites here that view chippers as marks to be exploited, or their sales as opportunities to flip; and I hate the folks that buy big at low prices with the intent to flip in such a manner that denies others the opportunity to buy at that same low price when all they wanted to do is use them. I understand the capitalistic side, but that's just low in a community like this.I think we're all playing nice on this thread, and I hope we continue to, but I'd like to hear people's thoughts. My thoughts are that outside of the blatant extremes, this is a big gray area, and I'll be careful not to make broad, sweeping statements against flipping, since I feel like pretty much everybody here engages in some level of flipping, from time to time, unless they sell everything for exactly what they paid for it.
There's nothing wrong with collecting something, and wanting confirmation that they got a good deal, or simply to find out their item's value...
Basically all the chips are regular price and the two T25k chips are 25 bucks each which is still a steal compared to what 1K and the rare and elusive 5K chips go for on eBay.
It would be nice if this were true, but reality is far from it.
One of my biggest peeves is people who buy hoards of chips merely to sell at a profit (nothing wrong with that) but by doing so, deprive other people an opportunity to buy ANY of those chips for personal use (not cool in my book).
If done under the guise of being a community member or because of opportunities presented by being a community member, I consider them parasites --- not really members of the community at all, but rather people who look at the community members as a feeding opportunity, and a way to make cash at the expense of the members here. Those people know who they are..... and so do most of the more active members here.
Nothing that anyone can really do to stop it, other than via chip karma..... but there are lots of folks here who keep a mental list of who deserves favors and who doesn't. The back channels in this community are pretty transparent.
I respectfully disagree. There's nothing wrong with collecting something, and wanting confirmation that they got a good deal, or simply to find out their item's value...
There are two values imho. Collectibility/sentimental and monetary market value. They have enough collectable value for me to make it a worthy purchase, but I still am curious.