For Sale Hot stamped 25¢ and $1 chips (5 Viewers)

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Jan 31, 2016
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For sale I have a set of $1 and 25¢ hot stamped chips that I was kinda sorta building a set around.

There are 298 198 quarters and 226 $1s. (The photo shows an extra 100 quarters that have been sold separately.)

I'm looking for $230 shipped for all of them in the US.

The quarters are all on the top hat and cane mold and have "AM" on one side. I'm not sure what the $1 hot stamps are. But I picked them up at a great price and I think they work well with the quarters. With a hotstamp $5, $10, or $20 this set would be looking great.

These are great chips and they deserve to be played! Thanks for looking.



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Not that it matters but the Post quarters are actually Christy and Jones chips, slightly differently hat and cane mold and they're a smidge lighter than the Paulsons when I had some
@kmccormick100 Thanks for the info. I updated the post.

All chips are still available. I'm happy to consider breaking chips up, if someone is interested in at least a rack.
I'll peel off the Post quarters for $135 shipped if someone can use just those.
If @ovo does not want the 100 "The Post" quarters (since he had first dibs), I will take them. don't want the AM back ;)
Post updated with what's available:

198 red Paulson "AM" quarters
226 beige $1s

If there's a certain amount of them you want, let me know.
I'm curious, how can you tell by looking?
I had some of The Post chips, they sound and feel a little different, but you can tell from the top hat and cane. The recessed hat is smooth and shiny on the C&J chips and the brim of the top hat has a little curve compared to the Paulsons.
And here I thought it was based on the date the card room was open, now I have to look for curved hat lips. :)
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