Canceled Hot Stamped Fracs (1 Viewer)

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I was about to say they look like C&Js ... I would have gotten them all except that I already have these two colors.
Dammit, thanks guys. Not the end of the world but I'll release dibs for now. Thinking on it though...
Dammit, thanks guys. Not the end of the world but I'll release dibs for now. Thinking on it though...
@TheLemursReturn - C&J (Chrisy & Jones) was the original Hat & Cane mold, which was later sold to Paulson. If you're looking for real clay, then these are still a great pickup. The hats remain super shiny vs Paulsons where they are dull.
Yeah I researched it a bit. Still super tempting but I don't wanna hold up any other dibs whike I mull it over.
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