Hot Stamped Set Ideas (4 Viewers)

I know it was probably a rough draft but this is the glass I would use.
You could do a text of “Sun’s Down Drink Up”
to tie the themes together even though I know you’re a big fan of Day Drinking.
Also if you did just the glass and denomination you could probably do a small GB to defer the cost of the die.

I had to google that type of glass lol. I agree. I think it would look better. Its something more of what I drink out of. I don't know if I want bourbon basement or some other text. This is definitely a good starting point that ties the themes together. Thanks.

I love the TRK denoms that @AK Chip is working on. I might use those on one side. Then one standard graphic on the other side. If I did that, I would only have to create one die.

I probably won't be doing samples. I haven't decided yet.

Bad news is that the Large Crown mold won't be available for another 6 to 9 months. If the scrown runs sooner, and Pat is confident that it will work. Then I might go that route.

I love the E and C mold. This doesn't really work for that imo. The Jockey mold could maybe work?

Just messing around. I like the trimoon. Just not sure how it looks in the rotation

I think I prefer it on the scrown mold anyways. Another mold that has always intrigued me is the Horse Head mold. Probably can't get that to work with a bourbon theme lol.

Looks like I'm going to have plenty of time to figure this out. I either need to have my design in next week (which isn't going to happen), or wait 6-9 months for either of the TRK molds :(
It’s like a year away, you won’t even be collecting my chips then!

Sheesh you order one or two chips and your reshipper is all, can’t order chips ever again bub! :wow:

On a more serious note, I love the concept of your common theme across chip sets.
Yes, but your chances of successfully stamping the HH mold is really high, not so much with the TRK crown molds.

@AK Chip says that he has pretty much figured out the large crown mold and is currently working on the small crown mold. Since these molds won't run again for awhile I have time to figure out if he can get it to work or not.

I like the HH mold. I love the TRK molds. I think they are visually more appealing. Plus I think they work with the theme a little better.

The HH mold will be my back up if Pat doesn't think he will be able to stamp the TRK molds.
I would love to have a tri moon spot. Does it look out of place in the progression?

Respect to people who don’t do samples, keep it special and personal!

In a separate note, PM incoming, imma need that sample set, k thanks.

Its mainly because I hate shipping them out. Way to much work :)
I would love to have a tri moon spot. Does it look out of place in the progression?

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I like where this is headed Bill.

Get the tri-moons in there as the workhorse chip. Switch the yellow and purple spot patterns and you're good to go.
Silver stamp would like better esp. on the canary chip.
I like where this is headed Bill.

Get the tri-moons in there as the workhorse chip. Switch the yellow and purple spot patterns and you're good to go.
Silver stamp would like better esp. on the canary chip.

Your a fucking genius.

I like where this is headed Bill.

Get the tri-moons in there as the workhorse chip. Switch the yellow and purple spot patterns and you're good to go.
Silver stamp would like better esp. on the canary chip.

I'm open to any suggestions btw. You nailed the first one.

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