How Have Your Chip Tastes Changed Over Time? (2 Viewers)


Jan 2, 2014
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Phoenix, AZ
When I first entered the world of poker chips in 2012, there were a few things that I didn't like about specific chips. Here's a few of them:
  • Any inlay/label bigger than 7/8"
  • Solids
  • Hot stamps
The first on the list actually made me pass up the China clay Pharoahs and go for the Milanos even though I liked the colors on the Pharoahs a lot more. Now I'm in the works of creating a custom set with 1 1/16" inlays.

So how have your chip tastes changed?
Things I used to hate now love.

Cali colors
Hot stamps
Solid color chips
Non Standard Tourney colors

Things I still dislike but not quite hate:
Orange 1k and yellow 5k -- the only non standard color combo i dislike
White $1 chips

Things I still hate
Non denominated chips
I once thought 500 chips was enough for a full set. Now 1,000 chips really isn't enough.


My first set was 500 chips. Then 800. Then 1000. Now most of my sets are in the 1400-1500 range. (Chip) Inflation I suppose ;)
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for me it was hotstamps. Thought they did not go well on a chip. I love them now.

and I used to not mind china clays. I really dont want to deal with them anymore at all. Just a personal preference. They are still a good chip for starters or anyone not wanting to drop a months pay on 1 set.
I used to like ANY real clay chips. Now I don't like chips with large inlay areas at all. Always hated inlays that cover the mold, still do. Used to like solids and hot stamps, now I have no use for them. China clays: Was one of the earliest posters to sing their praises. Now, not so much BUT... The Majestic chips seem to be worth a look. At present, they are the only China clay I'd even consider.
I've always preferred clay chips.

I used to think that two sets were sufficient -- one for cash games and one for tournaments -- and that a total of 1000 chips would be more than any one person could possibly use.
I used to think that anybody who would pay $1 each or even more for poker chips was out of their mind.

LOL at former naive self. I have seen the light!
I've always preferred clay chips.

I used to think that two sets were sufficient -- one for cash games and one for tournaments -- and that a total of 1000 chips would be more than any one person could possibly use.
I used to think that anybody who would pay $1 each or even more for poker chips was out of their mind.

LOL at former naive self. I have seen the light!

I resemble these remarks!

I've only been in the gig for about a year so I don't have a huge amount of time to compare things, but....
  • I still don't like inlays that go into the mold/cover the spots
  • I still don't like brown chips, nor do I like a base color progression from orange to yellow or vice-versa
  • I still greatly prefer THC over RHC
  • I still love simple, hot-stamped scroll mold chips, and pray that CPC never offers hotstamping on that mold.
As for things that have changed....
  • I thought I would only need one set - or no more than two if I did cash plus tourney. I currently have five sets, and The Armory cash set will make 6. Pretty sure I still need more.
  • Never thought I would want/need a large set for limit poker. Now I'm considering a 1500-1600pc set
  • Never thought I would pay more than $1/chip
  • While I still generally don't care for 1/8" spots on chips, I see sets like the GCOPs or Bentax's labeled set and would buy them on a snap call
  • I initially looked down on ceramic chips, and while they're still not my favorite, I absolutely see their purpose and how they can shine. The Nine Dragons set and recent circus-themed set come to mind. You couldn't really do those on clay chips. I think it's a thing where I don't care for casinos to use them, but I love them for the right home set.
  • I used to absolutely hate blue $1 chips. Those were against my religion. After hand-cleaning hundreds of white $1 chips...eff that. Blue $1's are my friends now.
I always used to hate hot stamped chips, always felt like they were cheap looking, even if they were on Paulsons or CPCs (formerly ASMs.) But then I saw how beautiful meatboy's Hungry Frog Club chips were, and jbutler's Clermont Lounge chips were, among others, and that was it. Same for chips with no spot patterns, always felt that they were bland and boring. Not anymore.
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My taste is shifting slightly after accumulating lots of Paulson Casino cash chips. Now more excited about TRKs and others. Still much more interested in playable sets than individual chips.

Edge spots used to excite me - except 8V, don't care as much. I find myself digging solids, tourney sets more, and have come to like hotstamps more and more.

Other chippers seem to hate really large labels - after having PNY and Casino Miami chips, they're quite nice!

I now like fine plastic chips much more. Bud Jones and especially BG. Matsui are awesome too.
Ha ha - yeah, that progression would be *nice! Mostly I was saying that I didn't think anything of solids and have "matured" into loving them.
Really liked the PNY chips when I first started to put a set together. Really glad I soured on the Giant inlay cuz that would have been expensive. Like a lot of others I didn't really care for hot stamps, but have grown to really like them. Same for solid sets...I initially liked crazy spot patterns, but with the right theme/label/hot stamp solids can look quite awesome. Simple, classy designs are catching my eye more and more these days.
My preference of inlays over solids, and casino clays over any other type of chip (ceramics, CIC, etc) is the same as the beginning. But some things have changed, a lot...

Hate hotstamps --> love hotstamps
Loved Gigantic inlays (PNY, Bahamia, Ritz) --> Losing the love here, but I'll never lose the love for the Ritz, need MORE!
Didn't care about mixed molds --> wouldn't dream of mixing molds (exception, hot stamp fracs sometimes acceptable to not match mold, but still preferred!)
MINT condition only --> MINT is still the best, but perfectly worn in is pretty awesome too
Not a fan of customs --> Then I saw 3 Putt Poker, DAMN! DAMN YOU! (and I mean that in the best possible way)
Hate house molds --> love house molds
Paulson ONLY --> Please buy my Paulsons...TRK all the way
Like expensive chips --> Love VERY expensive chips :(
I used to like doritos, but now I ... oh wait.

Still too new to the chip scene to really comment. Still in love with my matsui zens. Going to be hard to see me losing that chip crush.
I've only been in the gig for about a year so I don't have a huge amount of time to compare things, but....
  • I still don't like inlays that go into the mold/cover the spots
  • I still don't like brown chips, nor do I like a base color progression from orange to yellow or vice-versa
  • I still greatly prefer THC over RHC

I don't like giant inlays, nor am I a big fan of brown chips.
Hate house molds --> love house molds

I used to feel the same way, but there are some sweet house molds out there. The Dunes house mold leaps to mind. I even dig the Stardust house mold.
Things I still dislike but not quite hate:
Orange 1k and yellow 5k -- the only non standard color combo i dislike
Yellow is a pretty standard color for $1000 chips, while orange is a pretty standard color for T1000 chips (actually required by law in some jurisdictions). Unless you're in Missouri, where the $500 chips are orange. Now THAT'S tilting.

don't like chips with large inlay areas at all
Never did, and still don't. The THC mold with standard inlay rules.

I used to think that anybody who would pay $1 each or even more for poker chips was out of their mind.
Yeah, me too.... lololol
Now I find myself buying those same chips for $3-$4 or more, and feel like I'm getting a good deal. :rolleyes:

Back in the day:
  • Was once a big fan of ceramics, mostly because they were so much cheaper than high-end clay chips and offered a lot more customization. Still understand they have their place and value, but all of my ceramic sets are long-gone.
  • Jumped on the china clay bandwagon big-time, again mostly because I thought they offered so much more value for the dollar than high-end clays. All the china clay sets are gone, too (except CPS, which have seen no play since purchased and will appear in the classifieds soon).
  • Didn't particularly care for hot-stamped chips; now I own two high-end sets and dearly love both of them. Also seriously considering hot-stamped customs.
  • Hated the gaudy PAULSON CHIPS mold when it came out. Still hate it.
  • Most stupid decision I ever made prior to wising up was turning down the opportunity to buy a full set of TRK Deadwoods for 85c each, because I didn't like that the chips were a slightly smaller diameter than 'normal' and 85c/chip was 'too much'. /insert idiot smiley here/
  • Second most stupid decision was not buying 5000 custom BCC chips when I still had the opportunity to do so. Depending on who you ask, it might have been my smartest decision, too.
Took me awhile to get it, but now totally believe that value-for-the-dollar gets trumped by high-value. Damned unlikely that any china clay or ceramic chip is ever gonna appreciate up to 8x the original value/cost. Not to mention that high-end clay chips are
i liked cheap chips

now i like expensive chips

Haha gave me a laugh :P

I'm like you, James, never liked big inlays but I still don't really like them, although I did buy CC Pharaohs because Ioved the varied edge spots and colours. I don't think my taste has changed at all since I first discovered my love for chips in 2010.

The only change I've noticed is the frustration at myself increasing for not buying a bunch of Paulson sets back when they were $1.10 and the Aussie dollar was as strong as the USD!
The biggest change for me has been my opinion of ASM / CPC chips. Having received Paulson samples before ASM's, I thought they were too light. Having spent more time shuffling them, I've come to like them. Some day I'll have a solid tourney set...some day...

The only change I've noticed is the frustration at myself increasing for not buying a bunch of Paulson sets back when they were $1.10 and the Aussie dollar was as strong as the USD!

I'm still kicking myself repeatedly over one particular set (GCRs) I chose to pass on at the time. Given the price of Paulson's now, they might as well be made out of unobtanium. Just as well, I guess...those prices make CPC's look like a bargain in comparison. Paulson's are nice, but they aren't worth twice the price of comparable CPC's. At least not to me.

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