If I win Powerball and build a mansion, I’d like a portion of my man cave to be a casino. After I invest in a hot dog roller, I’ll need to order tables (craps, roulette, baccarat, blackjack), which is straightforward. But then I get to buy chips. How many do I get to buy?
Assuming full sized tables, what do you think?
What do you plan to do with your fantasy casino?
I have a vague backup plan for after the bombs fall (grid down, whatever you want to call it scenario)
I plan to open "the hunger games casino", where players will bring items of food in lieu of worthless cash that will be exchanged for house credit....then after they play they can take their chips to the prize table (like a ticket arcade) and claim their prizes...you could come with a can of peas and leave with a turkey and a jar of mayonnaise (A big winner!)
For that I assembled (ok not specifically for that but jokes aside "I could").
- a large cash set of over 5k chips, plus another cash set of primary/secondary chips that also reach roughly the same cash value. You may also want a large ncv set for tournament play.
- 1 poker table with a rake will require significantly more lower denomination chips than you think to fill the box.
- your minimum/maximum bets and table odds will dictate how how large your chips bank should be. If the odds offer a 25× or even 100× payout then you will need to have enough chips to cover that plus+ more.
I figure it could handle up to 1-2 poker tables, 1 blackjack and 1 roulette or some other combo of 4 to 5 table games or up to 10 table poker or blackjack tournament play with the sets i have for low to moderate stakes.
That aside you will then need to consider security........ the more ambitious you get you would need even more security.
So unless your buying a set as a backup for being a prepper I don't think you'll find yourself running an economical underground op or info here that will answer your question well.