4 of a Kind
Fantastic write-up! Really appreciate the effort you have put into this. This has opened my mind to different avenues and ways to look at the game, and hopefully, it does the same to others who stumble across this thread. Great stuff!
I love seeing people improve and start picking things up about the game that they never did before. The process of becoming a better player is in itself fulfilling as well as satisfying, never mind playing the game. When you start doing stuff like making a better hand fold, make some awesome hero folds yourself, really disguise your hands and becoming less predictable…it heightens your senses and you naturally start to have more W’s than L’s. Great feeling.
The best regular season record in baseball was is 116-36, held by the 1906 Cubs. Even the absolute best teams in baseball lost 30% or more of all their games in a single season. Same applies to poker. You can’t win them all but you’re always a winner when you take something away from the losing sessions rather than coming back for more as the same player. Find ways to outsmart your opponent.