HS Cincinati vs Clevelands (1 Viewer)


Dec 14, 2016
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Hi all

Newbie here. It seems that the Clevelands are more expensive than the Cincinatis judging from the posts I have seen in the classifieds as well as the upcoming sale thread. I believe the market for these 2 should be fairly efficient for these 2 sets at the moment and just wondering if anyone knew why the price is so?

I am undecided between the both of them I am just looking to pick up a set of paulsons to be honest the chip poison doesnt run that deep yet so they both seem very similar to me.

Edit: got them switched around cin prices > cle eeks i cant read....

Appreciate your time!

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I am interested to see this pan out. Right now though you are seeing secondary market prices for CLE versus the IPO prices for the CIN chips. How the secondary market will react for the CIN is what I'm curious to see.
I see the CIN chips as a slightly more premium chip set compared to CLE due to (assumingly) better condition and higher initial prices. However, CLE does have THC chips.
But Cleveland HS only has 2 chips on the THC mold, the $1 and $2.50.
It seems that the Clevelands are more expensive than the Cincinatis judging from the posts I have seen in the classifieds as well as the upcoming sale thread. I believe the market for these 2 should be fairly efficient for these 2 sets at the moment and just wondering if anyone knew why the price is so?
Several factors at work:
  • Different condition - the condition of chips historically affects pricing and perceived value
  • Different casinos - the cost of purchasing the chips from each casino may or may not have been different
  • Different companies procured the chips - not unusual for different companies to have markedly different sales/pricing strategies for similar items
I think this would be a relative non-issue if WalMart and Macy's were selling chips from two different casinos located in Biloxi and New York, respectively. It's more about people wanting to draw apples/oranges comparisons of two different procurements/sales conducted by two different groups of two large lots of casino chips that happened to be located in the same state. They are actually more unrelated than related, imo.
In the long run I would expect to see both casino's chips being worth about the same per denomination and mint vs used.

The prices of the Cincinnati chips are being offered at pretty close to what the Cleveland chips are currently selling for. While this may put more money in the initial sellers pocket it will probably take a lot longer to sell them all than it took the Chip Room to sell. Lots of people already spent a ton on the Cleveland set and may even have overbought (see all the for sale adds). Part of the reason for the overbuying I would guess is because the chips were priced very low compared to what had been on the market previously. Making it feel like we are getting a deal too good to pass up. A good marketing tool!

Now a few months later another set hits the market at much higher initial pricing. It will be interesting so see if a lot of chips go unsold for a while and we see them offered for less later on or if there really is what seems to be an endless demand for mint high denomination Paulson chips!
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And how do these compare to the home market pharaohs which i own quality wise (this is the only paulson set i have played with)? Up to last weekend a paulson was a paulson to me and i thought "hey would be nice to maybe pick up a second set for variety" and now i find myself down this slippery slope :(. I could comb the forums but a since a conversation is going.

Thanks for all the info guys.
You're also seeing very different marketing strategies. The Chip Room blows chips out a la carte. It wasn't until the end that you started seeing pre-built sets. There's pros and cons to both. If you wanted a barrel of oversized orange $1,000 chips you could do it with CLE for $100 as part of your order. If you want those for CIN you have to spend big bucks to buy a set and then hope you can sell off all the denominations you aren't interested in. On the other hand with CLE popular denominations were getting sold out in less than two minutes only to have those same chips appear on the secondary market two weeks later at higher prices, so there was a lot of frustration there.

I suspect we are going to see a number of people trying to unload portions of CIN sets because they had to buy a set to get the specific chips they wanted. That's certainly fine but the question will be at what price since on the whole the CIN chips are more expensive, and then you've got efficiency issues. If I wanted two racks of $500s I'd probably have to do multiple transactions with multiple sellers, sometimes even a barrel or two at a time, so shipping starts to add up.

I agree with @Rhodeman77 that Todd will probably have chips for sale for quite some time. As long as Todd's OK with that then that's the way it's going to go. Given that he has managed to sit on these for months without a need to sell quickly I suspect that's his strategy.
And how do these compare to the home market pharaohs which i own quality wise (this is the only paulson set i have played with)? Up to last weekend a paulson was a paulson to me and i thought "hey would be nice to maybe pick up a second set for variety" and now i find myself down this slippery slope :(. I could comb the forums but a since a conversation is going.

Thanks for all the info guys.

It might be helpful to hit eBay or the classifieds here to order some casino used (or mint if you're eyeing the secondary's) RHC mold chips, to get an idea of what you're looking at. Because honestly, a Paulson is not a Paulson, but a casino used RHC is a casino used RHC.
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honestly, a Paulson is not a Paulson, but a casino used RHC is a casino used RHC.
Totally agree. Like pretty much all 'unknowns' in the chip world, get samples before you buy. Regarding high-end chips, that would include all of the various CPC molds, TRK scrowns (new and used), and each of the common Paulson molds (THC, RHC, PAULSON CHIPS, suits) - both new and used.

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