Auction HSI $100 Secondary rack (2 Viewers)

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i thought I won before I realized you bid.... I was reaching my limit as it was for a alternative 100 for cash games. Really only want a barrel but figured i'd bid what I could
You guys are lucky my landlady came to talk about expanding my shop.

Who called her?
I’m confused. No one bid again or my browser is broken?

It's my first time running an auction but if I read the rules correctly, philhut bid at 11:59 so the end time gets extended by 5 mins to 12:04. You bid at 12:03 extending the end to 12:08 but no bids received before then so that makes you the winner!
It's my first time running an auction but if I read the rules correctly, philhut bid at 11:59 so the end time gets extended by 5 mins to 12:04. You bid at 12:03 extending the end to 12:08 but no bids received before then so that makes you the winner!
yes that would be my interpretation as well
I’m as surprised as anyone. Just saw MatB with the gif but no bid to follow. And PhilHut with the videos that didn’t play. So I didn’t know if there was a bid embedded or not.
I didn’t ‘need’ them so less enthusiastic

If the auction was scheduled after I had a beer and I wanted some action…… different story
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