Back when players used to show up with cash, managing cash games was way easier. But these days, me and my friends handle all money transfers through Venmo. Its always a 15 min hassle at the end of every game to figure out who needs to pay who.
So I created a website to handle all of this:
No login required, supposed to be a very quick and lightweight tool that you can pull out on your phone.
Simply create a room, and start adding players. You can edit buy in amounts by clicking on a player's row in the list of players.
Once players start to leave, or when the game ends, click on the players, and enter their cash out amount. Once all cash outs are entered, the reimbursements are calculated, and displayed for the least amount of transactions necessary.
All rooms created can be accessed in the list of rooms on, in case you accidentally closed your tab. If you don't want strangers seeing your home game results, you can set an optional password. You can also give your room an optional name to easily find it in the list of rooms. Rooms in the list will be deleted 1 week from creation to reduce clutter.
If you want to save your results, you can click the save icon on the top right, which will print the results in PDF format, and save it on your device (if colors don't work in the PDF, make sure to enable background graphics in the advanced settings).
My friends and I have been using this for our cash games for a few months now, and usually send a screenshot of the results in our group chat at the end of every game. Now that I'm a part of PCF, I wanted to share it here.
I strongly recommend that only 1 person be in charge of handling changes in your room, as changes made on one device will not show on other devices unless the page is refreshed.
Hopefully the website is self explanatory, and you shouldn't have any issued navigating it, but if you do feel free to leave any feedback or constructive criticism on this thread.