I stopped buying chips long enough to host a game (1 Viewer)


Feb 14, 2024
Reaction score
Bay Area, California
Last night I hosted my first home cash game for 8 players (on my boat.) I was concerned whether everyone would have a good time, but after a bit of a slow start it ended up being a lot of fun. The stakes were .05/.10 since there were many rusty or inexperienced players. I used Jumer’s secondary $5s and Hollywood secondary $25s and $100s as nickels, quarters and dollars. This seemed to work well and the players loved the chips. My starting stacks were 15/17/5 with rebuys using more higher denoms. With 15 buy-ins, the total chips in play by the end were 140/160/103. This seemed to work well and everyone enjoyed raking pots and stacking chips. The cards were two decks of Modiano Elements and the table a folding Barrington.

I didn’t bother with nickels and dimes for cashing out and only used whole dollars. I had everyone count out their whole dollar amount and then I had a chip race with the remaining 5s to award the remaining two dollar bills.

I sprung for the pizza and had folks bring their own drinks. I’m hoping everyone had a good enough time to want to come back for more!

My thanks to everyone at PCF – I’ve learned a lot and spent far too much on chips.


Sweet chips for a nickel game. I'm glad your guests appreciated the chips!
Thanks! Yes - I'm trying to draw them in to play regularly. I don't care about the stakes very much - as long as people are having fun. I'm in the SF Bay Area and maybe I'll get the chance to host some PCF games once I've earned my spurs here.
That'd be a unique venue to play a game in, I'm sure you'd have no problem filling up a table or two with takers!
I hate rich people! ;)

absolutely fantastic, I can't imagine how much fun this had to be! Thank you for sharing! I would think this would make the cost of the chips worth it!


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