Indy 500 Contest (2 Viewers)

starting point totals:

$20 Main Wager

76 = @ChaosRock
09 = Alexander Rossi (W), Nevada City, California, Andretti Autosport, Honda
04 = Ed Jones Dubai, United Arab Emirates, Ed Carpenter Racing, Chevrolet
14 = Takuma Sato (W), Tokyo, Japan, Letterman Lanigan Racing, Honda
24 = Matheus Leist, Novo Hamburgo, Brazil, A.J. Foyt Enterprises, Chevrolet
25 = Jack Harvey, Bassingham, England, Meyer Shank Racing, Honda

95 = @David O
06 = Will Power (W), Toowoomba, Australia, Team Penske, Chevrolet
32 = James Hinchcliffe, Toronto, Canada, Arrow Schmidt Peterson Motorsports, Honda
07 = Sebastien Bourdais, Le Mans, France, Dale Coyne Racing with Vasser-Sullivan, Honda
31 = Sage Karam, Nazareth, Pennsylvania, Dreyer & Reinbold Racing, Chevrolet
19 = Oriol Servia, Pals, Spain, Team Stange w/ Arrow SPM, Honda

61 = @BGinGA
01 = Simon Pagenaud, Montmorillon, France, Team Penske, Chevrolet
03 = Spencer Pigot, Orlando, Florida, Ed Carpenter Racing, Chevrolet
16 = Tony Kanaan (W), Salvador, Brazil, A.J. Foyt Enterprises, Chevrolet
21 = JR Hildebrand, Sausalito, California, Dreyer & Reinbold Racing, Chevrolet
20 = Charlie Kimball, Camarillo, California, Carlin, Chevrolet

78 = @slisk250
12 = Helio Castroneves (W), Sao Paulo, Brazil, Team Penske, Chevrolet
05 = Colton Herta (R), Valencia, California, Harding Steinbrenner Racing, Honda
17 = Graham Rahal, New Albany, Ohio, Letterman Lanigan Racing, Honda
29 = Felix Rosenqvist (R), Värnamo, Sweden, Chip Ganassi Racing, Honda
15 = James Davison, Melbourne, Australia, Dale Coyne Racing with Byrd and Belardi, Honda

74 = @Chippy McChipperson
08 = Josef Newgarden, Nashville, Tennessee, Team Penske, Chevrolet
02 = Ed Carpenter, Indianapolis, Indiana, Ed Carpenter Racing, Chevrolet
10 = Marco Andretti, Nazareth, Pennsylvania, Andretti Herta with Marco & Curb-Agajanian, Honda
28 = Zach Veach, Stockdale, Ohio, Andretti Autosport, Honda
26 = Jordan King (R), Warwick, England, Rahal Letterman Lanigan Racing, Honda,

94 = @bsdunbar1
18 = Scott Dixon (W), Auckland, New Zealand, Chip Ganassi Racing, Honda
22 = Ryan Hunter-Reay (W), Fort Lauderdale, Florida, Andretti Autosport, Honda
11 = Conor Daly, Noblesville, Indiana, Andretti Autosport, Honda
13 = Marcus Ericsson (R), Kumla, Sweden, Arrow Schmidt Peterson Motorsports, Honda
30 = Pippa Mann, Ipswich, England, Clauson-Marshall Racing, Chevrolet
wassup with Andretti? He's dropped waaaaay back.....
50 lap totals:

$20 Main Wager

85 = @ChaosRock
05 (09) = Alexander Rossi (W), Andretti Autosport, Honda
08 (04) = Ed Jones Dubai, Ed Carpenter Racing, Chevrolet
31 (14) = Takuma Sato (W), Letterman Lanigan Racing, Honda
19 (24) = Matheus Leist, A.J. Foyt Enterprises, Chevrolet
22 (25) = Jack Harvey, Meyer Shank Racing, Honda

76 = @David O
02 (06) = Will Power (W), Team Penske, Chevrolet
18 (32) = James Hinchcliffe, Arrow Schmidt Peterson Motorsports, Honda
06 (07) = Sebastien Bourdais, Dale Coyne Racing with Vasser-Sullivan, Honda
27 (31) = Sage Karam, Dreyer & Reinbold Racing, Chevrolet
23 (19) = Oriol Servia, Team Stange w/ Arrow SPM, Honda

50 = @BGinGA
01 (01) = Simon Pagenaud, Team Penske, Chevrolet
07 (03) = Spencer Pigot, Ed Carpenter Racing, Chevrolet
12 (16) = Tony Kanaan (W), A.J. Foyt Enterprises, Chevrolet
13 (21) = JR Hildebrand, Dreyer & Reinbold Racing, Chevrolet
17 (20) = Charlie Kimball, Carlin, Chevrolet

133 = @slisk250
30 (12) = Helio Castroneves (W), Team Penske, Chevrolet
33 (05) = Colton Herta (R), Harding Steinbrenner Racing, Honda
14 (17) = Graham Rahal, Letterman Lanigan Racing, Honda
24 (29) = Felix Rosenqvist (R), Chip Ganassi Racing, Honda
32 (15) = James Davison, Dale Coyne Racing with Byrd and Belardi, Honda

77 = @Chippy McChipperson
04 (08) = Josef Newgarden, Team Penske, Chevrolet
03 (02) = Ed Carpenter, Ed Carpenter Racing, Chevrolet
29 (10) = Marco Andretti, Andretti Herta with Marco & Curb-Agajanian, Honda
20 (28) = Zach Veach, Andretti Autosport, Honda
21 (26) = Jordan King (R), Rahal Letterman Lanigan Racing, Honda,

72 = @bsdunbar1
11 (18) = Scott Dixon (W), Chip Ganassi Racing, Honda
16 (22) = Ryan Hunter-Reay (W), Andretti Autosport, Honda
09 (11) = Conor Daly, Andretti Autosport, Honda
10 (13) = Marcus Ericsson (R), Arrow Schmidt Peterson Motorsports, Honda
26 (30) = Pippa Mann, Clauson-Marshall Racing, Chevrolet

$10 Side Wager

43 = @BGinGA
02 = Will Power
03 = Ed Carpenter
06 = Sebastien Bourdais
13 = JD Hildebrand
19 = Matheus Leist

85 = @slisk250
30 = Helio Castroneves
08 = Ed Jones
14 = Graham Rahal
10 = Marcus Ericsson
23 = Oriol Servia
125 lap totals:

$20 Main Wager

90 = @ChaosRock
02 (09) = Alexander Rossi (W), Andretti Autosport, Honda
20 (04) = Ed Jones Dubai, Ed Carpenter Racing, Chevrolet
25 (14) = Takuma Sato (W), Letterman Lanigan Racing, Honda
21 (24) = Matheus Leist, A.J. Foyt Enterprises, Chevrolet
22 (25) = Jack Harvey, Meyer Shank Racing, Honda

89 = @David O
18 (06) = Will Power (W), Team Penske, Chevrolet
19 (32) = James Hinchcliffe, Arrow Schmidt Peterson Motorsports, Honda
05 (07) = Sebastien Bourdais, Dale Coyne Racing with Vasser-Sullivan, Honda
24 (31) = Sage Karam, Dreyer & Reinbold Racing, Chevrolet
23 (19) = Oriol Servia, Team Stange w/ Arrow SPM, Honda

59 = @BGinGA
01 (01) = Simon Pagenaud, Team Penske, Chevrolet
14 (03) = Spencer Pigot, Ed Carpenter Racing, Chevrolet
13 (16) = Tony Kanaan (W), A.J. Foyt Enterprises, Chevrolet
16 (21) = JR Hildebrand, Dreyer & Reinbold Racing, Chevrolet
15 (20) = Charlie Kimball, Carlin, Chevrolet

111 = @slisk250
28 (12) = Helio Castroneves (W), Team Penske, Chevrolet
33 (05) = Colton Herta (R), Harding Steinbrenner Racing, Honda
11 (17) = Graham Rahal, Letterman Lanigan Racing, Honda
12 (29) = Felix Rosenqvist (R), Chip Ganassi Racing, Honda
27 (15) = James Davison, Dale Coyne Racing with Byrd and Belardi, Honda

83 = @Chippy McChipperson
04 (08) = Josef Newgarden, Team Penske, Chevrolet
03 (02) = Ed Carpenter, Ed Carpenter Racing, Chevrolet
29 (10) = Marco Andretti, Andretti Herta with Marco & Curb-Agajanian, Honda
17 (28) = Zach Veach, Andretti Autosport, Honda
30 (26) = Jordan King (R), Rahal Letterman Lanigan Racing, Honda,

57 = @bsdunbar1
07 (18) = Scott Dixon (W), Chip Ganassi Racing, Honda
10 (22) = Ryan Hunter-Reay (W), Andretti Autosport, Honda
06 (11) = Conor Daly, Andretti Autosport, Honda
08 (13) = Marcus Ericsson (R), Arrow Schmidt Peterson Motorsports, Honda
26 (30) = Pippa Mann, Clauson-Marshall Racing, Chevrolet

Team @bsdunbar1 making a strong showing!

$10 Side Wager

63 = @BGinGA
18 = Will Power
03 = Ed Carpenter
05 = Sebastien Bourdais
16 = JD Hildebrand
21 = Matheus Leist

90 = @slisk250
28 = Helio Castroneves
20 = Ed Jones
11 = Graham Rahal
08 = Marcus Ericsson
23 = Oriol Servia
On the fueling problem, @AlexanderRossi is advised it was a "physical problem" with the fuel probe. "All our guys did fine."

Team has changed out the probe. "We still have a chance to make it happen here."

Rossi has been quiet on the radio. #IndyCar
But he sure was pissed in the pits. #pitrowchaos
150 lap totals:

$20 Main Wager

82 = @ChaosRock
05 (09) = Alexander Rossi (W), Andretti Autosport, Honda
16 (04) = Ed Jones Dubai, Ed Carpenter Racing, Chevrolet
18 (14) = Takuma Sato (W), Letterman Lanigan Racing, Honda
24 (24) = Matheus Leist, A.J. Foyt Enterprises, Chevrolet
19 (25) = Jack Harvey, Meyer Shank Racing, Honda

74 = @David O
15 (06) = Will Power (W), Team Penske, Chevrolet
13 (32) = James Hinchcliffe, Arrow Schmidt Peterson Motorsports, Honda
04 (07) = Sebastien Bourdais, Dale Coyne Racing with Vasser-Sullivan, Honda
22 (31) = Sage Karam, Dreyer & Reinbold Racing, Chevrolet
20 (19) = Oriol Servia, Team Stange w/ Arrow SPM, Honda

70 = @BGinGA
01 (01) = Simon Pagenaud, Team Penske, Chevrolet
17 (03) = Spencer Pigot, Ed Carpenter Racing, Chevrolet
23 (16) = Tony Kanaan (W), A.J. Foyt Enterprises, Chevrolet
21 (21) = JR Hildebrand, Dreyer & Reinbold Racing, Chevrolet
08 (20) = Charlie Kimball, Carlin, Chevrolet

107 = @slisk250
27 (12) = Helio Castroneves (W), Team Penske, Chevrolet
33 (05) = Colton Herta (R), Harding Steinbrenner Racing, Honda
09 (17) = Graham Rahal, Letterman Lanigan Racing, Honda
12 (29) = Felix Rosenqvist (R), Chip Ganassi Racing, Honda
26 (15) = James Davison, Dale Coyne Racing with Byrd and Belardi, Honda

78 = @Chippy McChipperson
02 (08) = Josef Newgarden, Team Penske, Chevrolet
03 (02) = Ed Carpenter, Ed Carpenter Racing, Chevrolet
30 (10) = Marco Andretti, Andretti Herta with Marco & Curb-Agajanian, Honda
14 (28) = Zach Veach, Andretti Autosport, Honda
29 (26) = Jordan King (R), Rahal Letterman Lanigan Racing, Honda,

77 = @bsdunbar1
11 (18) = Scott Dixon (W), Chip Ganassi Racing, Honda
07 (22) = Ryan Hunter-Reay (W), Andretti Autosport, Honda
06 (11) = Conor Daly, Andretti Autosport, Honda
28 (13) = Marcus Ericsson (R), Arrow Schmidt Peterson Motorsports, Honda
25 (30) = Pippa Mann, Clauson-Marshall Racing, Chevrolet

Very close, anybody's game at this point!

$10 Side Wager

67 = @BGinGA
15 = Will Power
03 = Ed Carpenter
04 = Sebastien Bourdais
21 = JD Hildebrand
24 = Matheus Leist

100 = @slisk250
27 = Helio Castroneves
16 = Ed Jones
09 = Graham Rahal
28 = Marcus Ericsson
20 = Oriol Servia
Rossi starting to get held up by lapper Oriol Servia

"We're getting help from IndyCar."



Rossi is told they're trying.


180 lap totals (red flag):

$20 Main Wager

62 = @ChaosRock
02 (09) = Alexander Rossi (W), Andretti Autosport, Honda
17 (04) = Ed Jones Dubai, Ed Carpenter Racing, Chevrolet
07 (14) = Takuma Sato (W), Letterman Lanigan Racing, Honda
16 (24) = Matheus Leist, A.J. Foyt Enterprises, Chevrolet
20 (25) = Jack Harvey, Meyer Shank Racing, Honda

85 = @David O
12 (06) = Will Power (W), Team Penske, Chevrolet
11 (32) = James Hinchcliffe, Arrow Schmidt Peterson Motorsports, Honda
25 (07) = Sebastien Bourdais, Dale Coyne Racing with Vasser-Sullivan, Honda
19 (31) = Sage Karam, Dreyer & Reinbold Racing, Chevrolet
18 (19) = Oriol Servia, Team Stange w/ Arrow SPM, Honda

66 = @BGinGA
03 (01) = Simon Pagenaud, Team Penske, Chevrolet
01 (03) = Spencer Pigot, Ed Carpenter Racing, Chevrolet
13 (16) = Tony Kanaan (W), A.J. Foyt Enterprises, Chevrolet
22 (21) = JR Hildebrand, Dreyer & Reinbold Racing, Chevrolet
27 (20) = Charlie Kimball, Carlin, Chevrolet

123 = @slisk250
21 (12) = Helio Castroneves (W), Team Penske, Chevrolet
33 (05) = Colton Herta (R), Harding Steinbrenner Racing, Honda
26 (17) = Graham Rahal, Letterman Lanigan Racing, Honda
28 (29) = Felix Rosenqvist (R), Chip Ganassi Racing, Honda
15 (15) = James Davison, Dale Coyne Racing with Byrd and Belardi, Honda

92 = @Chippy McChipperson
05 (08) = Josef Newgarden, Team Penske, Chevrolet
04 (02) = Ed Carpenter, Ed Carpenter Racing, Chevrolet
30 (10) = Marco Andretti, Andretti Herta with Marco & Curb-Agajanian, Honda
29 (28) = Zach Veach, Andretti Autosport, Honda
24 (26) = Jordan King (R), Rahal Letterman Lanigan Racing, Honda,

61 = @bsdunbar1
08 (18) = Scott Dixon (W), Chip Ganassi Racing, Honda
10 (22) = Ryan Hunter-Reay (W), Andretti Autosport, Honda
06 (11) = Conor Daly, Andretti Autosport, Honda
23 (13) = Marcus Ericsson (R), Arrow Schmidt Peterson Motorsports, Honda
14 (30) = Pippa Mann, Clauson-Marshall Racing, Chevrolet

Tight three-way battle with 20 laps to go!

$10 Side Wager

79 = @BGinGA
12 = Will Power
04 = Ed Carpenter
25 = Sebastien Bourdais
22 = JD Hildebrand
16 = Matheus Leist

105 = @slisk250
21 = Helio Castroneves
17 = Ed Jones
26 = Graham Rahal
23 = Marcus Ericsson
18 = Oriol Servia
200 lap totals -- FINAL RESULTS:

$20 Main Wager

54 = @ChaosRock
02 (09) = Alexander Rossi (W), Andretti Autosport, Honda
13 (04) = Ed Jones, Ed Carpenter Racing, Chevrolet
03 (14) = Takuma Sato (W), Letterman Lanigan Racing, Honda
15 (24) = Matheus Leist, A.J. Foyt Enterprises, Chevrolet
21 (25) = Jack Harvey, Meyer Shank Racing, Honda

87 = @David O
05 (06) = Will Power (W), Team Penske, Chevrolet
11 (32) = James Hinchcliffe, Arrow Schmidt Peterson Motorsports, Honda
30 (07) = Sebastien Bourdais, Dale Coyne Racing with Vasser-Sullivan, Honda
19 (31) = Sage Karam, Dreyer & Reinbold Racing, Chevrolet
22 (19) = Oriol Servia, Team Stange w/ Arrow SPM, Honda

66 = @BGinGA
-2 (01) = Simon Pagenaud, Team Penske, Chevrolet
14 (03) = Spencer Pigot, Ed Carpenter Racing, Chevrolet
09 (16) = Tony Kanaan (W), A.J. Foyt Enterprises, Chevrolet
20 (21) = JR Hildebrand, Dreyer & Reinbold Racing, Chevrolet
25 (20) = Charlie Kimball, Carlin, Chevrolet

118 = @slisk250
18 (12) = Helio Castroneves (W), Team Penske, Chevrolet
33 (05) = Colton Herta (R), Harding Steinbrenner Racing, Honda
27 (17) = Graham Rahal, Letterman Lanigan Racing, Honda
28 (29) = Felix Rosenqvist (R), Chip Ganassi Racing, Honda
12 (15) = James Davison, Dale Coyne Racing with Byrd and Belardi, Honda

89 = @Chippy McChipperson
04 (08) = Josef Newgarden, Team Penske, Chevrolet
06 (02) = Ed Carpenter, Ed Carpenter Racing, Chevrolet
26 (10) = Marco Andretti, Andretti Herta with Marco & Curb-Agajanian, Honda
29 (28) = Zach Veach, Andretti Autosport, Honda
24 (26) = Jordan King (R), Rahal Letterman Lanigan Racing, Honda,

74 = @bsdunbar1
17 (18) = Scott Dixon (W), Chip Ganassi Racing, Honda
08 (22) = Ryan Hunter-Reay (W), Andretti Autosport, Honda
10 (11) = Conor Daly, Andretti Autosport, Honda
23 (13) = Marcus Ericsson (R), Arrow Schmidt Peterson Motorsports, Honda
16 (30) = Pippa Mann, Clauson-Marshall Racing, Chevrolet

Great race and exciting finish -- congrats to @ChaosRock!!

$10 Side Wager

76 = @BGinGA
05 = Will Power
06 = Ed Carpenter
30 = Sebastien Bourdais
20 = JD Hildebrand
15 = Matheus Leist

103 = @slisk250
18 = Helio Castroneves
13 = Ed Jones
27 = Graham Rahal
23 = Marcus Ericsson
22 = Oriol Servia
Yes, yes, yes!!!!!

Thanks you for the updates, Dave! You’re the best. What a battle between our teams also.

I would take the win for sure but would certainly trade it for a Rossi win.

So much fun!!!
Most-improved position (+21 spots) goes to James Hinchcliffe (started 32nd, finished 11th). Second-best at +14 positions were Pippa Mann (started 30th, finished 16th) and Ryan Hunter-Reay (started 22nd, finished 8th).

Worst performers were Herta -28 (5-33), Bourdais -23 (7-30), and Andretti -16 (10-26).

I was pretty disappointed in Spencer Pigot and Ed Jones, but Hunter-Reay along with Charlie Kimball and Rahal all had great runs (until the crash). And congrats to
Santino Ferrucci -- great showing by a rookie (and picked by nobody!).

I would take the win for sure but would certainly trade it for a Rossi win.
I was cheering for every pass and pass attempt at the end -- didn't really matter who won it! Glad for Simon -- his first Indy win, and I think he had the best car. Rossi is a beast, though. And Sato! What a maniac.

Sato's surprisingly high finish (to me, anyway) is what iced it for ya, I think. Losing Kimball with 20+ to go hurt my count a lot.
I'm compiling a table with all wagers so it's easier to settle everything together.

So I have

$10 - Pole: All but DavidO
$10 - 33rd: All but David O
$20 - Group 1: All but dberteau
$20 - Group 2: Me, Slisk and dbertheau
$20 - 3 Rookie: Me and MIke
$10 - Delta: Me, Slisk and dbertheau
$10 - BG vs. Slisk

What else @BGinGA ? I know you and MIke had some sort of side action...
Last edited:
Most-improved position (+21 spots) goes to James Hinchcliffe (started 32nd, finished 11th). Second-best at +14 positions were Pippa Mann (started 30th, finished 16th) and Ryan Hunter-Reay (started 22nd, finished 8th).

Worst performers were Herta -28 (5-33), Bourdais -23 (7-30), and Andretti -16 (10-26).

I was pretty disappointed in Spencer Pigot and Ed Jones, but Hunter-Reay along with Charlie Kimball and Rahal all had great runs (until the crash). And congrats to
Santino Ferrucci -- great showing by a rookie (and picked by nobody!).

I was cheering for every pass and pass attempt at the end -- didn't really matter who won it! Glad for Simon -- his first Indy win, and I think he had the best car. Rossi is a beast, though. And Sato! What a maniac.

Sato's surprisingly high finish (to me, anyway) is what iced it for ya, I think. Losing Kimball with 20+ to go hurt my count a lot.

I thought it was a great race. Maybe not as eventful as some of the races in the past but great nonetheless. Maybe I'm bias since my guy was ripping it. LOL!!

Honestly though, I thought there were less ups and downs. The top 6 remained the same almost the entire race. Yeah, Sato got there, and Power had to come from behind, but not much movement. Very few yellows. And very few people getting screwed up because of fuel strategy, I think Dixon and Pigot did.

It was super fun though. Couldn't get my eyes off of the TV.
Some crazy-ass sh!t in the pits this year, though. Just glad nobody was seriously injured. Any safe race is a good race, imo. Saw way too many childhood heroes die on the track.

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