The dealer pushes the cards and her hand back telling her you can check. I wanted the hand dead but if I start arguing the hand should be dead it gives away the fact that I don’t have anything. The dealer tells her just check and she does. I throw out another 5k and she immediately calls. Now it’s a little awkward because I say she folded her hand and it should be dead and 3 of the guys at the table jump to her defense that I got caught trying to steal now I’m shooting an angle. I have to ask the dealer for a floor decision 3 times before the floor is called. Floor rules it is a live hand and I don’t argue the ruling at all. Of course I’m the angle shooting villain at table now but I can’t help wonder if the angle shooter was her.
Yeah, the player needs to be corrected, open folding is a form of "soft play" and newbies need to learn not to do this.
But I think both dealer and floor missed that the fold should still be accepted. They were probably both in a headspace where it's *impossible* to fold out of turn, but TDA says otherwise. Is it also possible this particular room has a specific rule on this situation that is contrary to TDA? Or at least the dealer and floor believe this?
Unfortunately bad rulings are as much a part of poker as Angel Hernandez is part of baseball.
I disagree with any characterization that
@Terrys394 was shooting an angle, all of his actions were in turn and accepted the risk of making the river bet means accepting the opposition checked and has a live hand. As for the cute villain, maybe it was an angle, maybe it wasn't. Maybe she didn't even read she had two pair and thought she was open-folding one pair.
I think she faces a penalty though. Her fold should have been accepted and she should have been warned.
I think this is 100% what should have been the outcome.
I've never seen a penalty applied in this situation, however.
What type of penalty would be issued? Sitting out for xx hands? Disqualifaction if repeated?
To me, this is probably the sort of situation that only escalates to a penalty if it's repeated behavior. I imagine an one orbit penalty for an offense following a warning would be a logical start, then escalating for repeated violations. I would like to think one penalty would do the trick, but if not I suppose it could escalate to a DQ.