Canceled Jack $5's Stolen (1 Viewer)

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May 19, 2016
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Sending this out as a mass look out (mainly eBay) for some chips that were stolen. Had a buyer purchase 2 barrels of Jack $5's the other day. The SFRB showed up empty to his house, assuming a postal employee needed some extra stuff to sell....that being said, please keep your eyes out for 2 barrels of Jack $5's for sale. Typically that's where stolen shit winds up when they realize they took something they don't know how to value. On another note, I want to make things right for the buyer. He's a long standing member here, and I want things right...If you have interest in parting with a barrel or 2, please PM me so I can get him his chips. Very unfortunate and I suppose a little lucky that it wasn't @Changster sending me $2,000+ worth of chips...;) So this is a "keep your eyes open" and a Wanted ad. Hope everyone is staying safe and healthy.
Always a bad day when chips go missing, no matter the circumstances. Got pics of the empty SFRBox?

Was the box completely sealed and taped up before shipping? Did it sustain damage, or had it been cut open intentionally? Was it repackaged to make it appear unopened? Did you purchase additional insurance beyond the basic $50 that USPS supplies for free?
Always a bad day when chips go missing, no matter the circumstances. Got pics of the empty SFRBox?

Was the box completely sealed and taped up before shipping? Did it sustain damage, or had it been cut open intentionally? Was it repackaged to make it appear unopened? Did you purchase additional insurance beyond the basic $50 that USPS supplies for free?
No additional insurance. They can be opened and resealed as I’m sure you know. I usually mail at the post office and I maje then priority tape them. Because of corona I did kiosk so they weren’t taped....
He's a long standing member here, and I want things right...If you have interest in parting with a barrel or 2, please PM me so I can get him his chips.

Sucks but I think you owe the person a full refund as an act of good faith. How much were the 2 barrels... I'm guessing $80-$100?

I bet if you asked around you might find a few people willing to chip in a few bucks to soften the financial blow. I don't think you and I have ever interacted but given the situation we're all in I'd throw $10 your way if it would help you out. Send me a PM with your PayPal info.
Agree with statements from BGinGA and @WedgeRock about shipping. I tape the absolute hell out of all of my packages. I have actually been asked by people like @Moxie Mike to lay off some of the packaging as it takes forever to unpack. I would hate to run into this issue. I hope you find chips and a good resolution!
I tape the absolute hell out of all of my packages. I have actually been asked by people like @Moxie Mike to lay off some of the packaging as it takes forever to unpack.
And please keep it up. :tup: If it doesn't require somebody having a box cutter and some patience to open a package, it's not adequately protected.

Sometimes those sticky flaps can open all by themselves during transit, and the contents can just fall out. And if the inner contents aren't wrapped into a single bundle and seperately addressed, any postal worker who later finds them is clueless as to where they came from, or to where they are going.

Shipping tape is cheap insurance, and a little extra effort up front can sometimes pay big dividends later.
Sucks but I think you owe the person a full refund as an act of good faith. How much were the 2 barrels... I'm guessing $80-$100?

I bet if you asked around you might find a few people willing to chip in a few bucks to soften the financial blow. I don't think you and I have ever interacted but given the situation we're all in I'd throw $10 your way if it would help you out. Send me a PM with your PayPal info.

I’ll pitch In 10 as well to help lesson the blow as well this sucks!!!
I tape the absolute hell out of all of my packages. I have actually been asked by people like @Moxie Mike to lay off some of the packaging as it takes forever to unpack.

Myself as well. The taping of seams and corners is of utmost importance to me. Even for a padded mailer, I tape the seams. I even tape all the seams of envelopes I've mailed.

I have a thick type of Scotch tape I like to use. If somebody told me to lay off, I'd feel like I accomplished my goal. :tup:
I have actually been asked by people like @Moxie Mike to lay off some of the packaging as it takes forever to unpack.

It's been a while, but I think the last package you sent me required a blowtorch, a sawzall, the jaws of life and pair of forceps to extract it's contents. That was over a year ago and I'm still only halfway done.

Breaking into Fort Knox would be easier than tearing into one of your packaging jobs... but on the bright side, the precious cargo always arrived safe and sound :)
Newman : All right. Then let me ask you this. Didn't you find it interesting that your friend had the foresight to purchase postal insurance for your stereo. Huh. I mean parcels are rarely damaged during shipping.

Jerry : Define rarely.

Newman : Frequently...

That sucks though! Sorry to hear about the stolen chips!
I appreciate the offers @davin @Moxie Mike but I will get it taken care of. @BGinGA usually tape...didn't this time because I dropped at a kiosk, but I will be welding every package moving forward (beware future buyers of my chips). I appreciate all the help from everyone. Have filed a claim, but I am SURE they will balk on the $50 included insurance as there's no proof the chips were ever IN the box...but giving it a try nonetheless. Kind of makes me wonder what's the point of buying EXTRA insurance...if they deny the claim, you're out chips AND the insurance money. I have heard from a few folks this is a tall task to get them to actually own up and pay. But oh well, gotta try. On that note, MY BUYER STILL NEEDS 2 BARRELS OF JACK $5's! HELP ME OUT!!
Have filed a claim, but I am SURE they will balk on the $50 included insurance as there's no proof the chips were ever IN the box...but giving it a try nonetheless.
I've never filed a claim. I'd be interested in the process and results.

Also, good luck in finding replacements for your buyer.
All USPS requires to settle an insurance claim is proof of value. Even an electronic paypal receipt of purchase is acceptable.
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