Yeah I think I might go to a local community college and try to take some courses pertaining what I want to do. I think the grander issue is, I think I want to move into something more stem focused, whether it be engineering or relating computers or physics, and usually you can't get into that with just a certificate. And I don't have a stem undergrad degree, so I don't think I can go straight into a masters program.
Yeah unfortunately I am working on a yearly contract and so I don't get a lot of benefits (aka not even health insurance lol) which is why I've been trying to find a direct hire full time job and hopefully utilize a benefit to go back to school and have them pay.
Unfortunately I will not qualify for aid in NYC
But I think I may try to get an associates in something relating what I want to do and see if that allows me to go direct into a masters since I already have a bachelors.
Will PM you!
Yeah, problem is not many
CC in new york offer these kinds of classes as NY is not a very trade focused state. Most of those are separate schools entirely.
I totally get this, but don't want to pursue something for just money if I hate it (aka what I'm doing now, as I can just keep moving up in this field and make a lot but i genuinely don't enjoy it)
what did you study in school? I like the idea of being able to work on different types of things like that.