Canceled Lac Courte Oreilles (LCO) Starter Sets. Yes, I bought out a casino. (2 Viewers)

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I can confirm these chips are spectacular, and photos dont do the chips justice. The price of the opener sets are great, even with it having ceramic $5’s. Snag these up folks, and I agree with cheese on the suggestion that full THC sets could be offered first to those buying the initial offering? If you really want a full THC set, you’ll want the chips in the opener set anyway. Good luck with the sale.
Wow, how did i miss this? Was there an unveiling in another thread?

GLWS Forrest! Hope you use the money for some OFCP lessons.;)
I would love to get those green, maroon, yellow, and/or purple roulettes for my relabel roulette mold project. :eek:

Beautiful! GLWS!!!
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Free ceramics with the purchase of the THC part of this set lol.

These chips are buttery smooth and amazing to play with.
Interested in the full the set too.
Free ceramics with the purchase of the THC part of this set lol.

These chips are buttery smooth and amazing to play with.

Ya, if you look at it that way, the 300 leaded THC chips are under $2.75/chip (not an unreasonable price whatsoever) and you get 300 whicked $5 ceramics and 100 roulette chips absolutely free. Sounds like a screaming deal to me.

Am I the only one who went to the meetup thread and checked out pics of the chips in action?
Ya, if you look at it that way, the 300 leaded THC chips are under $2.75/chip (not an unreasonable price whatsoever) and you get 300 whicked $5 ceramics and 100 roulette chips absolutely free. Sounds like a screaming deal to me.

Am I the only one who went to the meetup thread and checked out pics of the chips in action?

Yeah that's what I was thinking. I'm really surprised no one has jumped on it yet. I just played with these this last weekend again and man are they nice.
Congrats on scoring these great looking chips, and bringing them into the community. Look forward to hearing more about it, and seeing more pics! And GLWS
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