Giveaway Lady Luck Hotstamp Tournament T25 & T100 plus MORE (4 Viewers)

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Added some more. To clarify, each pic is a complete prize that can be selected.

Need to noodle on what else I have around. May do a HIP chip mini-sample too.
I am looking forward to how I will execute this. I am thinking of a few options. More than likely I will run 4 tables a day using my sets I can run with a T5 base (Jack's, Roadhouse, Kash, and Lady Luck).

Also possibly run a random draw from all players knocked out in the first round for a seat at the final table.

I really want to make this as complex as I can, I also plan to drink and partake to further increase the odds of mistakes. I will try my best to keep it as fair as possible.

Just a wonderful distraction my friend!

I'm not in, just wanted to say thanks for the cool prizes. Love the consolation prizes!

EDIT : I'm wanting to be IN now, Hip set Samples:eek: . I've already got the DB, need the full meal deal! ;)
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Just a wonderful distraction my friend!

I'm not in, just wanted to say thanks for the cool prizes. Love the consolation prizes!

EDIT : I'm wanting to be IN now, Hip set Samples:eek: . I've already got the DB, need the full meal deal! ;)
If you post in the thread then your IN the game.
I'm all in Preflop!!! And you don't even have to worry about shipping, I'll pick it up in person once the whole madness subsides (or you can leave it on your front doorstep as I wait in my car in your driveway :ROFL: :ROFLMAO:).

And thanks for the awesome giveaway!!!
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