Wanted Lakeside Inn Rubber Duckie (2 Viewers)

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We’re all upset because the rubber duck hobby just isn’t what it used to be. Flippers. Boat ducks. All the stimulus money and new collectors driving up prices. Folks like @Windwalker buying up flocks and flocks of the best old-school leaded ducks. It’s just sad. There used to be a real sense of community. Now everyone’s just quackers.

You screwed us now. If that person didn’t have ducks on his radar, well, now he does. Thanks Bamadumbdumb. Better start looking for leftover THC duckies and scoop up all the RHC duckies you can find.

Labels are just screaming to have a duck on them. Just putting that out there for you designers in here.
Rubber duck collecting. Talk about a giant rabbit hole. Actual rubber ducks, wood rubber ducks, fiber glass ducks, rubber ducks make to look like yourself, XS, S, M, L, XL ducks, leaded California ducks ehmmmm, all kinds of ducks.
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