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I feel like I almost prefer a bcc to a Paulson when they pull them off like these. The colours really pop.



Edit: just kidding btw. Love BCC too.
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Wow. Something tells me I'm glad I didn't sell my MGK longhorn set....yet:)

Seriously having lived in Austin since '82 how the hell do I not own a set of these? Awesome set start to finish. I wonder if JoshuaDalton still has any?

Assuming J5 designed the inlay?
Original group buy for those interested in checking it out:

I hope these set the all-time record for BCC chips. Good luck with sale!
There's still like 170 hours left before this gets good.
Early line and smart money is on them heading to Georgia. ;)

Awesome set start to finish. I wonder if JoshuaDalton still has any?

Assuming J5 designed the inlay?
Original group buy for those interested in checking it out:
Great set, for sure. I don't recall who designed the inlays, but it should be in that thread. And that miserable thief JoshuaDalton can go fuck himself.
Assuming J5 designed the inlay?
Original group buy for those interested in checking it out:
This is not the original (cash denoms) group-buy thread, but a later add-on group-buy for tourney chips and new $2 and $500 cash denoms.
The original group-buy (from which the chips for sale here were purchased) must have happened a year or two before this, around 2010.
Early line and smart money is on them heading to Georgia. ;)

Great set, for sure. I don't recall who designed the inlays, but it should be in that thread. And that miserable thief JoshuaDalton can go fuck himself.

J5 designs I'm almost sure of it...and glad I have my set already as it's getting pricey.
There was a second run on these chips from memory also. Numbers were small.
Yes, this was the thread Meddler2 linked to. However, this was just a few add-ons (3 CTers, 805 chips), not really a full second run.
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